What Protein Shakes Have the Best Foods for Energy?

When you look to find a protein shake that is going to give you results, you will need to consider which ones contain the best foods for energy. There are so many protein shakes for sale that it can be difficult to figure out which one is the highest quality. So, the question is, what is it that you should look for in a protein shake?
First, you will want to find a product that is made completely of whole foods from around the world. The reason for this is because there are many "superfoods"
or nutrient packed foods that do not grow in the United States, that are found all over the planet. These are the best foods for energy because they not only give you protein, but a wide variety of all the essential nutrients that come from fruits and vegetables. Most people don't get many of these nutrients in their daily diets due to foods being processed, chemicals and other reasons.

Your protein shake should also include ingredients that have scientific research that backs them up. Many of the foods that come from other countries have so many benefits that we don't find in our average diet. In addition, they should be grown organically, or without chemicals so that you are eating clean. When you combine these qualities, you will get a protein shake that hs ingredients with potency and bioavailability, (the ability for the body to absorb the nutrients it needs efficiently).
Here are four key groups of nutrients that you want to find in your shake.
  • Protein and Essential Amino Acids reduce your cravings and help the body build muscle
  • Prebiotics and Digestive Enzymes, allow your body to absorb nutrients and help in digestion
  • Antioxidants and Phytonutrients reduce free radicals which decreases cellular damage in your body
  • Vitamins and Minerals keep your body running in tip top shape
Protein and essential amino acids are vital in building and repairing lean muscle as well as keeping your blood sugars level. Prebiotics help in digestion and the absorption of minerals. Antioxidants help to prevent cell damage by removing free radicals while phytochemicals have been shown in studies to be better than supplements when mixed together. Another thing you want to look for is as many of the essential vitamins and minerals as possible.

This may sound like a daunting task, but a little research will go a long way. The best foods for energy are what you want in a protein shake if you are going to get quality. Stay away from chemicals and sugars, and search out whole food ingredients. If you do this, you will get a great quality shake.

A protein shake should not be a crazy diet or something where you starve yourself to death. I'm Jim Nash, and I'm here to provide you with knowledge that will last a lifetime so you can lose weight and keep it off for good. Take my free 12 part mini-course at http://www.losethepoundssite.com/index.html. You'll be glad you did.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jim_A_Nash

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