Solutions and Treatments to Obesity by Removing Excess Body Fat

Obesity is a condition that occurs when the body stores enough excess fat to pose a health risk to the individual. A person is considered obese when his/her body weight exceeds 20% of the normal weight for people of the same height and gender. Although, the general population recognizes the dangers inherent with excessive body weight, nutrition experts are unable to pinpoint the exact causes of obesity. This uncertainty has bred a wide range of various, and often conflicting, treatments,
remedies, and advice for obese patients. Knowing the usefulness and the side effects of different treatments is invaluable in helping to solve the obesity epidemic.

Most patients prefer the easy route: taking a pharmaceutical drug to help lose weight. Weight loss with pills, however, is modest at best. The average number of pounds lost with the popular medication Xenical is around six pounds per year. In addition to these disappointing results, weight-loss drugs are associated with high rate of gastrointestinal side effects. Some doctors have even raised concerns about the potential negative effects on the kidneys. The drug Meridia was recently withdrawn due to the observed effects on the patient's cardiovascular system. The slow results coupled with the dangerous side effects provide strong reasons why people should avoid weight-loss drugs.

A drastic treatment for short-term weight loss is bariatric surgery. The two common approaches involve decreasing the stomach size (to promote an earlier sense of satiation) or reducing the length of the intestines (to reduce food absorption). Surgery for severe obesity has been the most successful treatment for long-term weight loss, with a weight reduction between 15% and 25% at 10 years.

Unfortunately, complications with weight-loss surgery are frequent, and the cost of the surgery can be quite expensive.

The predominant treatment for obesity consists of modifying a patient's diet and physical exercise.

Regrettably, most people who take this approach go on a fad diet for a short period of time. After the initial drop in pounds, the person returns to the same unhealthy habits that caused them to gain the excess weight. Instead, people should focus on a healthier sustained lifestyle. Due to the misapplication of dieting techniques, the success rate of long-term weight maintenance is low, around 5 - 15%.

For short-term and long-term health, proper dieting and exercise is the best solution. Adopting a healthy weight-loss program will drastically improve a person's enjoyment of life. Plus, the transition to a healthier lifestyle is easier than most people think, once they are educated in healthy choices.

Unfortunately, many people are unwilling to spend the time to learn how to improve their health. For these people, drastic weight-loss methods like surgery may be their only option.
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