How Important Is Water?

By Arja Langdon

Drinking water is essential to our physical and emotional well-being, and even to our appearance. But how much water is "enough" to hydrate our bodies?

Our bodies continually lose water through sweat, tears, urine and bowel movements as well as through our breath. It doesn't help that fruit juices, sweetened drinks, caffeinated drinks and alcoholic beverages have become so popular through the years; these types of beverages increase the bodies need for more water, these drinks actually dehydrate your body. Before we discuss how much water consumption is needed daily, let's discuss "why" water consumption becomes mandatory for our bodies health.

Water is your body's principal chemical component. Your body needs water so that it can function properly. Blood, muscles, lungs, and brain all contain water. Every system in your body depends on water. Water is vital for transporting nutrients within our bodies and for removing wastes. One means our bodies do this is through our kidneys.

Our kidneys are self-cleaning and self-maintaining, capable of operating for a long time with the proper care. We each have a part we play in helping with proper kidney care. Adequate water intake is considered a primary means of preventing kidney infections and the formation of kidney stones. A great deal of water must pass through your kidneys for your body to remain healthy.

Drinking water also aids your digestive and cardiovascular systems. It is necessary for regulating our temperature and lubricating our joints. It also helps transport oxygen to your cells. Oftentimes, dehydration is overlooked as a cause of fatigue. In addition, "your skin needs water to stay soft and supple." So how much water should we each drink daily?

You may have heard the saying "listen to your body". Well, unfortunately, our thirst mechanism is imperfect, and it becomes even less sensitive as we get older. "YOU can't rely on thirst to tell you how much water your body requires," points out the magazine Health. So how much water? In actuality, your water needs depend on many factors, including your health, how active you are and where you live. Many doctors recommend that in addition to taking in other foods and drinks, each person should drink at least two quarts of water every day.

Another factor to consider is making sure you obtain pure, clean water. Drink plenty of water, and take advantage of this simple way to look and feel your best!

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