5 Easy Ways to Burn 100 Calories

Everyone wants to trim, tone, and tighten their waist and body, but the problem is most people just don't burn enough calories during the day. In some ways it's really not your fault. You may work at a desk for 8 - 10 hours a day and have very few opportunities to get up and move around during the day. BUT, you can't let that be an excuse for you not to burn more calories than you take in. I've found the best way around this issue is to have my clients get away from their desk for 30+ minutes during lunch. I encourage them to go for a brisk walk before sitting down to eat a healthy and nutritious meal. Even a 20 minute fast-paced walk gets the blood flowing and the metabolism raised. You'll also burn about 100 calories in that 20 minutes. I also recommend my clients look for other ways (besides their actual workouts) to be active and burn calories in creative ways throughout the day and on the weekends. Here are 5 fun and easy ways to get up out of your chair, stretch your legs, and start getting fit. Quick 100 Calorie Burners:

  1. Brisk Walking 3.5mph - only 20 minutes
  2. Kayaking or Lap Swimming - only 15 minutes
  3. Cross-Country Hiking - only 10 minutes
  4. Yard Work - only 15 minutes
  5. Jumping Rope - only 10 minutes
These are just 5 of the hundreds of ways you could be active and offset many of the calories you consume throughout the day. Of course, you'll have more freedom to be creative with your workouts and activity level on your days off from work, but either way you can always fall back on jump rope or fast-paced walking.

These little "mini-workouts" can add up big-time too... Just one 100-calorie burner a day can equal 1 lb. a month in additional weight loss! That's great when you think about it since all you really need to do is add an extra 10-20 minutes of healthy exercise to your typical day to lose another 1 pound a month. I hope these ideas started to spark your creativity and you're thinking of new ways you can get up and get moving for an extra 20 minutes or so a day!

IIf you need a place to start, check out my free weight loss e-course on "How to Lose Belly Fat Starting Today!" I've reserved a limited number of copies to give away and you can grab yours today at http://www.stephencabral.com/FreeReports.html
Committed to your success,
Stephen Cabral
Author of Lose5in7
Health Consultant for MTV, NutritionData, Diet.com, Gather, EDGE

Stephen Cabral is a national health & fitness correspondent with over 10 years of credentials and media appearances. He holds national and international certifications in strength & conditioning, personal training, yoga and nutrition. Stephen is the author of the Trim, Tone & Tighten Newsletter seen by over 100,000 readers each week.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stephen_Cabral

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