Are You Serious! You Call That Fat Burning Exercise?


Just wanted to share an observation with you about what I see when people are exercising to loss weight or get fit. Check it out the next time you go to the gym or wherever you exercise and see if you make the same observation?

It looks like people are there to relax and socialize not exercise to burn fat and develop a healthy lifestyle! Where is the intensity? Motivation has to be the spark but Intensity has to be the fuel to feed the fire to accomplish our health and weight loss goals. I see very low INTENSITY! and people wonder why their not accomplishing their desired health and weight loss goals.

 If you are serious about your fat burning weight loss and fitness it won't be easy plus it will take effort! If you go to a gym, the next time you're there look and see how many people are reading, watching TV, texting or just socializing while they are doing cardio or weight training. Don't get me wrong these things have their time and place in a gym but what are you there for? If you are there just to do those things fine but if you are serious about your fitness and fat burning weight loss then focus on what you're there for. Doing your fat burning exercise at home can be just as challenging!

There are as many distractions there also, phone calls, kids, unfinished jobs, etc. that can interrupt your exercise. One of the challenges of exercising at home is when we get side tracked most times we never get refocused to finish the fat burning job we started. It's kinda like when you're at work, can you do your job to your best potential if you are texting and watching TV will doing your job?

 Also your boss probably would not like it because your attention is not focused on the task at hand. So if you are serious about burning fat, losing weight and getting healthy, stay focused on the job at hand. This why it's important to find something that you enjoy doing because there are many great ways to burn fat. It's okay to mix it up, say maybe as the weather gets nicer go outdoors and run, ride bike, hike, etc. but give it 100%

I challenge you to focus on the job at hand and check your intensity level to see even greater results in your fat burning weight loss and fitness goals. So if you are serious about this thing called fitness let's put some intensity into it! Here is my recommendation to you, texting and reading can wait will you exercise! Focus to burn the fat.

Quote of the day: "The surest way not to fail is to determine to succeed."

I've been actively involved in a healthy and fit lifestyle all my life. I'm as fit and healthy at 54 as I was at 24 because of the habits and patterns I've developed in my life. My goal is to help people change their patterns to loss weight and get fit to develop a healthy lifestyle. This will be done thru education and support to empower people to make the changes necessary to reach their weight loss and fitness goals For more info you can to:
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