Build Muscle and Lose Fat - And With Higher Self-Esteem, You Can Stick to Your Weight Loss Regimen


If you have tried pills, diets and magical exercise machines promising you will have rock hard abs, you may be discouraged that none of them seem to work. The ads say "build muscle, lose fat", but that never happens to you.
But, to be 100% honest, you don't need that stuff the late night infomercials are pushing. What you do need to help
you get started is higher self-esteem. If your self-esteem is low, you may have convinced yourself, along with the diet industry, that you have no self-control. You've convinced yourself that you will never be able to lose weight.

Most of the advertisements for diet equipment, pills, cleansing programs and so on, seem to indicate that you need to buy their book, pill, etc. because you don't have self-control, because you don't have enough self-esteem to decide on your own to lose weight. These advertisements seem to be saying you are like a child. You have to buy some product to get down to a weight that is healthy for you. And they've convinced you. You take all of your own brainpower out of the process, relying on the latest thing you've purchased to magically make you lose weight and get those great abs. Some of the products may be helpful, most are junk, but no product, diet or exercise equipment can work if you don't use your brain.

You can use your brainpower to get the self-esteem you need, and then the self-control to stick to exercise and healthy eating. Like it says in the title above, with higher self esteem, you can stick to your weight loss regimen. The products you buy can sometimes help you during the process, but they can't do it for you. To build muscle and lose fat takes a combination of exercise and eliminating fatty and high calorie food from your diet. And you can learn how to exercise in the most beneficial way, using proven methods.

There are many places where you can find straight information, not magic solutions promising you can get fit without diet or exercise. Reasonably priced and free literature is readily available, and explains how to exercise, to get fabulous abs, and to lose weight. But remember that before you read one more thing about getting fit and toned, having a great body, you have to move beyond that low self-esteem.

Low self-esteem tells you that you don't deserve to succeed. High self-esteem says, "I am worth it, and I can decide to stick to my plan and use reasonable information to help me succeed through eating right and exercising. I can build muscle and lose fat." I know you can do it. Thousands of other people before you have done it too. And now it's your turn.

Want some help to lose weight or stubborn stomach fat? There are lots of helpful suggestions and great information available at The ideas, suggestions and 100% free weight loss course presented there might just help get your body working to lose that extra stomach fat fast for you and lessen your cravings during the process!
H Woolston
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