Fat Burning Foods List - Here is a Free List of Fat Burning Foods That Can Help You Lose Weight!

This free list of fat burning foods can help you burn off fat much faster and with less effort. Of course, if you really want to increase your metabolic rate and burn more calories it would be helpful to also follow a good exercise workout program.
Now, take a look at the following list:
  • Algae: Algae can reduce the absorption of fats that come from foods by up to 75%. Researchers at Newcastle found a chemical contained in algae that prevents the absorption of fat by the body. What is more, this food appears to function as a shield against cancer. 
  • Chili: Hot chili sauce can burn calories. Surveys even argue that the hotter the chili is, the better the outcome. Add one teaspoon of chili sauce in your food and you will burn 15% more calories, two hours after your meal. Also, a survey conducted in 2006 showed that fresh chili peppers contain antioxidants that can protect your heart.
  • Spicy Mustard: Hot mustard can help you slim down. Several studies have showed that hot mustard may gradually increase the rate at which your body burns calories and fat. 
  • Tea: In a recent survey made by the Oxford Brookes University, researchers have observed that after drinking green or black tea, the metabolism of the individuals who participated in the study increased. The consumption of 5-6 cups of tea daily can help you burn 80-100 extra calories each day. Green tea in particular, contains a large amount of antioxidants that shield your body against cancer. 
  • Coffee: Enjoying a coffee after a meal seems to be a really good idea. Surveys have shown that caffeine can increase the metabolic rate and help you burn calories more quickly. What is more, researchers in Australia have discovered that the substances contained in caffeine can help you burn more calories during exercise. 
  • Ginger: Researchers from the Netherlands believe that ginger activates the mechanism of thermogenesis, the process by which the body burns fat to generate heat. What is more, ginger improves blood circulation. 
  • Cinnamon: Add 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of cinnamon to foods or sweets to help blood sugar get absorbed better by the cells and produce energy rather than get stored as fat.

  • Yogurt: This dairy product is rich in probiotics, which are the friendly bacteria that seem to help reduce the fat absorbed by our body as a whole. Many nutritionists consider yogurt a super food. With the combination of carbohydrate, protein and fat contained in a yogurt, you can remain full for longer and your blood sugar levels can remain stable. A recent study by the University of Tennessee has shown that people, who included yogurt in their diet, lost 60% more weight from the stomach and hips than the rest!
Next find out the #1 method to BURN FAT FAST! Just Click Here!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_D._Miller

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