What Helps to Lose Weight? Can Lemon Help to Lose Weight?

Obesity is the physical condition of the body due to excessive fat deposition. Being obese makes one prone to many diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure, liver and gall bladder disorders. So the need of the hour for such people is to find effective and simple ways to lose weight.
Obese people cannot be put in a strict regime requiring heavy workouts nor can they be asked to stay on strict diet as abrupt changes may not be responded by their body effectively.

Lemon is an excellent natural home remedy for obesity and also helps in the lowering of cholesterol levels. It converts the fat in the body to energy which can be utilized for normal functions. Two teaspoons of lime along with a teaspoon of raw honey in glass of water can act as a wonderful agent for the weight loss program. It is also really good for digestion and can help in releasing toxins from our body. And of course, the eating habits have to be normal and healthy. One lemon a day can improve your digestion, increase your metabolism and help you to lose weight. Drink plenty of water along with it. 7 days on the lemon diet is all that is required to cleanse your body, release the toxins from your body, improve your digestion, increase your vitality, to increase metabolism and to get rid of excess pounds and more.

Along with drinking lemon, have raw fruits and vegetables which are rich with Vitamin C and try to go for a walk for 45 minutes a day. You can burn an additional 300 calories a day with three miles of walking. It could even help you to lose 30 pounds in a year without even changing how much you're eating. Lemon can lower the absorption of sugar as the pectin which is present in the lemon forms a gel forming substance inside the stomach which absorbs the sugar. It also helps absorbing Calcium and hence prevents the acidity of the digestive system along with utilizing the calcium present in the fat cells for other bodily functions. People take lemon in various forms, whether you drink lemon juice with normal water or mix it with other ingredients; its effectiveness remains the same. Lemon really helps one in losing weight naturally without going through the pains of a strict health regime along with providing the body with immunity by supplying vitamins, minerals and other essential ingredients.

Dr. Anna Samuel is well known Doctor in the Dietetics World. She is also an active member of the Indian Dietetics Association,has published more than 10 books in the field of losing weight and helping people to lose weight the healthy way. For more help from Dr. Anna Samuel, become a regular reader of her website http://www.lose-weight-for-life.org.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Anna_Samuel

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