30 Minute Workout At Home - Ultimate Fat Burning Workout

A 30 minute workout at home is something anybody can have time for. You will burn a huge amount of fat without the need for any machines. Some machines or pieces of equipment such as dumbbells and a skipping rope can be helpful to increase the intensity of a workout, but aren't necessary. Let me show you the workout now.
30 Minute Home Workout:
  • Jog on the spot for a minute to warm up
  • Jumping jacks / star jumps for 2 minutes
  • Skipping for 2 minutes
  • Burpees x 10
  • Wall sit for 1 minute
  • Tucking crunches x 20
Repeat this workout for at least 3 times and you have just whipped together an amazing routine that will take 30 minutes and can be done anywhere, any time. If you don't have a skipping rope or can't skip, just substitute in 2 more minutes of jumping jacks.

When embarking on a workout, you must have an end goal in mind.

Are you trying to lose body fat and get lean, slim and sexy or are you trying to build mass and look like a big bulky body builder?

Sometimes you can burn fat and put on muscle, but more often than not, you will not do both at the same time. Either focus on burning body fat or building lean muscle.

If you are struggling to get the results you want with pieces of information floating around in your head - let me take you and implant a concrete formula for getting the exact results you want, excess body fat loss or putting on muscle, I am going to help you.

I have a brand new guide to help you burn fat and get into the exact shape you want, starting NOW.
Download "Step By Step Fat Loss System" free here today: Fat Loss Guide. Plus I also include email access to talk with me if you have questions.

Johnny is a full time fat burning coach and mentor and fat loss blog author.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Johnny_Palmer