Green Tea Health Benefits - How the Green Tea Diet Can Help You Shed Pounds!

If you watch television, listen to the radio or glance at billboards, you've noticed that everyone wants you to try some kind of diet. There are the fancy celebrity-endorsed diets, the expensive food-delivery diets and the rather unfulfilling liquid diets. Countless others spring up every year. Most of them fall into oblivion within months.
The green tea diet, however, has been used in one form or another for centuries. While ancient Chinese tea drinkers didn't think of their habits as a "diet," they enjoyed the amazing health benefits that green tea offers. Today, Western culture is catching on to what it can do.

Green tea differs from black tea in that it is made using fresh leaves. Black teas are fermented prior to use, but green teas are made by pan-firing, or steaming, the fresh leaves. This process results in the finished product carrying higher levels of epigallocatechin gallate, or EGCG.

EGCG is a chemical that is thought to slow down the aging process. It may even help to prevent certain conditions, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. A study in China suggested that green teas may also help lower cholesterol. The controlled study showed that people on a green tea diet lowered their cholesterol by 16 percent in just three months.

While the scientific community is still debating the full extent of the chemical's benefits, people who drink it regularly report feeling a difference. They feel energetic and healthier overall.

One of the most often-noted benefits of drinking the green beverage daily is its reported effect on metabolism. Certain compounds in it are said to boost the amount of calories burned doing everyday activities. By helping you burn more calories during the day, believers say that it helps keep their waistlines trim.

Does it really work, or is it all hype? The jury is still out for the most part. It's hard to measure how much of an effect green tea might have on weight loss, making it challenging to prove any effect at all.

It's easy to assume that drinking it will have at least an incidental effect on the amount of calories you burn. It contains caffeine (though less than coffee or black tea), so it can increase energy. That in itself may be enough to spur some dieters to drop a few extra pounds. And for people who are sensitive to caffeine, green tea is a great way to get a small shot of energy without the jitteriness of coffee.

But some devotees say it is much more than an incidental effect. They believe that the antioxidant properties coupled with the increase in metabolism help the pounds come off much faster than with diet and exercise alone.

Dieters who are on medication should be aware that compounds in green tea may interfere with certain medications. Consulting your doctor before you start this tea diet (or any diet) is a good idea to avoid any unwelcome surprises.

While most people choose to sip a cup or two of green tea every day, it is also available in capsule form. Green tea pills vary in dosage and effectiveness, so you may need to experiment with several before finding one that works for you.

Overall, the it is worth a try for just about anyone looking to shed some weight. In essence, the green tea diet is simply a healthy diet with an emphasis on fresh foods and green tea. The extra energy that you get from the small amount of caffeine may be enough to spur you to exercise more.

However, just like with any dietary supplement, you can't expect the pounds to simply melt off. Losing weight takes hard work and dedication, and there is no magic potion. Green tea can help you get started on the path to a healthier life and a healthier weight, but it has to be backed up with a sound eating plan and regular exercise.

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