Seven Simple Steps to Lose Weight

Pretty much everyone can agree that there is a thousand and one approaches to shedding those unwanted pounds.
However, one thing I've discovered in my years of health care is that the more you have to focus on, the tougher it is to stay focused. Hence, I have outlined a simple plan below that will make it easier than ever to achieve a few essential steps for losing weight.
1. Get up and go...for a walk that is. Walk at a brisk pace (almost jogging) for 25 minutes 5 days a week. If your knees and ankles will allow it, work your way up to a jog for the same amount of time. And
talk someone in to doing it with you so you can hold each other accountable. It's too easy to plop on the couch in front of your favorite show and skip a day if you just do it on your own.

2. Snack on some raw veggies. Eating something like raw carrots or celery stimulates your digestive system and metabolism and also sends signals to your brain that you are 'full,' but without all the calories that the fast food or vending machine snack is going to give you. You can also try a little low fat peanut butter on it if you just need something to make it more palatable.

3. Say bye-bye to trans fat. According to researchers from Wake Forest University School of Medicine animals that ate trans fat compared to those that did not gained more weight from the same amount of calories. And besides, trans fats elevate LDL levels (the "bad" cholesterol) and lower levels of beneficial HDL cholesterol in the body. Bottom line is that's bad news for your organs and your bell
4. Got a friend, or a dog? I'm not sure how and when portion sizes in restaurants got so ridiculously large. I guess it's just the nature of competition. Either way, most meals out are too much food and too much fat for most people to eat in one setting. It's time to retrain your brain. Start sharing a meal with whomever you typically dine, well unless it's a first date cause that's just not cool. The best part is that you can order a bigger nicer entree and because you are splitting it, you still save money! If you are dining by yourself, ask for a doggie bag and eat the rest tomorrow. Don't like to eat left overs? Then you better find somebody who will go out to eat with you.

5. Go public with your plan. OK you don't have to tell everyone you meet cause...well...they really won't care. But you can sure make the proclamation to those you know will support you and will hold you accountable to achieving your goal. And even if they don't remind you, in the back of your mind you will remember what you told them which can really keep you motivated.

6. Drink more...water that is. Water aids in digestion and weight loss. Shoot for 10 glasses of water a day and also try to eat more raw fruits and vegetables because they have a high water content and thus contribute to your water intake.

7. Drink less...soda that is. Yes, that includes diet soda. Epidemiologist Sharon Fowler, from the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio in her studies noted that "...the more diet sodas a person drinks, the more weight they were likely to gain." Granted it adds to weight gain in a different way than regular soda but suffice it to say, it does contribute.

OH!! hey one more thing. Stop eating dessert. You're not seven (pun intended...check the title) so just let it go. It's just a habit you've developed and can also break so let it go. Nope! Just let it go.

Dr. Daron Stegall and Dr. Judson Lee are Chiropractors at the Downtown Phoenix Health Coach location providing Chiropractic, Physical Therapy and Myofascial Massage services and the Thera-fit fitness training program to help people who want to lose weight and get in better shape but have physical ailments they are concerned about exacerbating or re-injuring. All Thera-fit sessions are under the direct supervision of licensed Physical Therapist, Jessica Ryder. Most insurance plans are accepted and cash plans are available. More information is available at 602.257.4520.
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