Stop Late Night Eating and Start Losing Weight Fast

A sure fire way to NOT lose belly fat and experience fast weight loss is to eat late at night. The reason is because everything you eat will turn to fat while you sleep. Your body is getting basically no calorie burn while you are sleeping, so just know that everything you eat before bed translates to a bigger belly, thighs, and butt! What can you do about it? That's exactly the question we will answer in this article
Here are some simple tips to help for conquer your urge to chow down right before bed. Stay positive! It should only take a little over 1 week to
break the habit.
  1. When you get the urge for your favorite late night snack, make yourself hold out for 15 minutes. If after that you are still hungry, try this.
  2. Drink some flavored water. Sometimes our body will tell us we are hungry, but in fact we are just thirsty. Also, this will help fill your stomach so that even if you do still want to eat, your stomach will be pretty full and it will make it difficult to eat.
  3. Keep some spearmint or peppermint hard candy around. Then you get the urge to eat, eat one of those pieces of candy. This will help drink your body into resisting the urge to eat.
  4. Drink warm tea before bed. Of course, a healthy low calorie tea
  5. Do something active and stay moving for a few minutes. This will allow your mind to get occupied by something else and often times the urge to eat will subside.
  6. Fill the room with something scented that smells sweet. This will help trick your body into thinking your sweet tooth has been satisfied.
  7. Take a warm bath. If you get relaxed, you won't want to move to go get your snack
  8. Make sure there are no junk snacks in the house. If you already know there isn't anything 'good' in the pantry, you will eventually stop going to check to see what you can find.
  9. Eat a raw fruit or veggie before bed and throw in a small amount of raw nuts.
  10. Eat smalls meals throughout the day, 6 or so. This will keep your blood sugar in check and you will likely not feel hungry before bed.
These things will certainly help you get over the hurdle of eating before bed or going downstairs for that late night snack. Losing belly fat and overall quick weight loss will be easier to accomplish if you can stay out of the pantry at night.

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