The 7 Key Questions to Weight Loss

No matter what area of life you are dealing with the questions you ask yourself are key to your success (or failure) and this couldn't be more true in the area of weight loss and dieting. Our minds are run by the questions we ask both internally and externally and you mind cannot help but answer a question; can it?
I know you answered that because you can't help but do so as it is how our minds are set up and when we take control of
the questions we ask ourselves we take control of our successes. So what questions do you ask yourself on a daily basis with regards to weight loss? Are they negative questions? The sort that ask;

• Why is losing weight so hard?
• Why can't I lose weight?
• Why do I always put weight back on?
• Why can't I stick to a diet?
• Why do I always fail at this?

Do those questions sound familiar to you? I bet they do because they are the most 'popular' questions overweight people ask themselves on a daily basis. What sort of answers do you come up with when you ask those sorts of questions? It's the truth to say that if you ask poor questions you will get poor answers and it's also the truth to say that if you ask positive questions you will get positive answers.

So what questions should you be asking yourself on a daily basis? Here are the top seven questions that you should absolutely ask yourself on a daily basis and pay attention to the answers;

1. What can I do today to reduce my weight and make me feel amazing?
2. What foods can I eat to help me reduce my weight and fill me with energy and vitality?
3. What amazing reasons do I have to reduce my weight today and forever?
4. What exercise do I need to do today to help me reduce my weight and feel full of energy and joy?
5. What is my target weight reduction this week / month?
6. How do I achieve my weight reduction targets?
7. What help and resources can I find to assist my in reducing my weight?

You can imagine the answers you will come up with when you ask those sorts of positive, great questions; can't you! (that's not a question but a statement!) Take the time each day to ask yourself these questions and, where you can, write down the answers. You might find that each day that you ask yourself these questions you come up with more fantastic answers and therefore more great reasons to reduce your weight forever.

The more reasons you have the bigger WHY you create and the bigger WHY you create the higher your drive to achieve will become. When you get a big enough WHY you will set your mind up to absolutely achieve the weight loss you want on auto-pilot.

Try this interesting exercise;
Write down seventy seven (77) reasons that you absolutely must lose weight.
Now write down seventy seven (77) ways you can lose weight.
You now have a big enough WHY and WAY to do it.

To Your Success
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