How to Stay Motivated to Workout

Most clients tell me that they need me to help them "stay motivated". As much as I would love to do that, it's not that easy! I can certainly help get them motivated by providing uplifting music, challenging workouts, inspiring words, and plenty of encouragement. But they need more than that in order to stay motivated. Besides, I typically only see clients one hour per day. What they do with the other 23 hours is completely up to them!

What will keep you motivated? The first thing you must determine before you start any exercise program is the real reason you are starting one in the first place. Why do you want to get in shape? When you answer that question, ask why again. Keep asking why until you come to the very basic and fundamental reason that you want to start an exercise program. Don't worry whether it's the right answer or whether it's a different answer from someone else. Everybody's "why" will be unique and personal.

Once you figure out your "why", set some goals. These goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, reasonable, and timely. In other words, "run a 5k in under 30 minutes by September 1" is much more specific than simply, "run a 5k". If you want to lose weight, state how much weight you want to lose and by when. Write these goals down several times and keep them in several places; your nightstand, your purse, your car, the bathroom mirror. When you are constantly reminded of your goals, those goals will always be at the top of your conscious and you will not easily forget them.

The next step would be to determine the action steps that will bring you to your goals. These steps should be broken down into manageable tasks that will not seem so overwhelming but will little by little bring you closer to your goals. Make sure you have a plan that can be followed. Whether you have a professional determine your plan or you come up with your own, if you fail to plan, you plan to fail! Plan your workouts, plan your meals, and do your best to list them and write them down so it becomes easy to reference and track. This is an essential part of your success, so don't skip the planning stage! This will help you go far towards creating your strategies.

You can have the best self-discipline in the world but strategy trumps self-control any day! These strategies are essential in making your goals easier to attain. No sense making things harder on yourself or leaving things to chance when you can take some simple steps to create a simple strategy for success. Strategies can include keeping your workout clothes out so that you see them when you wake up. Some people even sleep in their workout clothes so they are ready to go to the gym as soon as they wake up!

Other strategies include keeping fresh, motivating music on your iPod, purchasing a brand new workout outfit, having a buddy to workout with that will keep you accountable, making appointments with a personal trainer, keep a workout and diet log, and make sure your pantry and refrigerator are stocked with healthy foods. Planning an event ahead of time can give you an extra incentive to keep your workout appointment. It could be a class reunion, a vacation, or a 5k race. You could also schedule a photo-shoot and pay for it ahead of time to make sure you don't cancel! That's great incentive to keep you from skipping your workouts!

Try these methods to stay motivated and reach your goals. Remember that some simple strategies will also take you farther than self-discipline. And don't worry if you slip up. Nobody is perfect. Pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get back into the game. Stay focused and don't give up! Little by little, even the biggest goal will be met!

Angie is a personal trainer and health coach who is passionate about helping professional business women find a long-term healthy and balanced lifestyle through nutrition, fitness, and general health and wellness. She has produced a 4-minute online movie that outlines the struggles that women have in balancing work and family obligations and still make time for themselves. She also created a community website that supports hectic women in business find solutions to finding that one extra hour in the day just for them. Sign up for her complimentary newsletter at
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