Subconscious Mind Control Can Help You Achieve All Your Goals

Everybody has dreams or goals that they would like to achieve, but the problem lies in the fact that many people think that they cannot achieve them. What these people don't realize is that by assuming they will not be able to achieve their dreams or goals they are setting themselves up for failure. If you tell yourself often enough that something isn't possible you will eventually start to believe it. Through subconscious mind control, you can easily start turning your dreams into reality; you just have to start believing in yourself.

Here are the steps you will need to take to use subconscious mind control to achieve your goals.

Step One: Writing

The first thing that you need to practice is a type of writing called "stream of consciousness". This writing is very helpful when tapping into your subconscious mind because you are doing it purely on instinct. To use this method you will need to grab a piece of paper and a pencil and sit down inside of a quiet room. Once you have gotten settled start writing whatever comes to your mind for a period of about ten minutes. The one thing you want to avoid doing is censoring your writing. Don't worry about how weird or strange something might sound or if it even makes sense or not, simply write everything down as it pops into your head. The more you do this the easier it will become, so don't give up.

Step Two: Meditation

Many people don't realize just how important mediation is to tapping into the subconscious, but it must be done correctly. Meditation truly allows you to relax your mind and body so that your conscious mind doesn't try to interfere in what you are doing or thinking. There are several methods of meditation that you can use, so pick the one that you like and practice it every day.

Step Three: Creative Classes

Even though you might not feel like you are a creative person, taking a creative class is important to harnessing your subconscious mind power. There are numerous creative classes that you can take, including art, dance, pottery, or even photography to name a few.

Step Four: Expand Your Knowledge

Spend some time learning more about the subconscious mind and how it works. Knowing as much as you can about subconscious mind power improves your chances of successfully tapping into that power because you will know what you need to do to achieve your goals by reprogramming your subconscious. To learn more about the subconscious mind you can take a course in psychology, read books, or even articles that you find online.

Step Five: Positive Affirmations

Along with meditation, positive affirmations are a great way to tap into the subconscious; they are also a proven method in reprogramming the subconscious mind. Positive affirmations are simple; all you have to do is repeatedly tell yourself positive things. However, you will want to structure what you are saying into a specific format. For example, you want to use "I can" or "I will" statements when talking to yourself because it helps convince yourself that you can achieve your goals. If you tell yourself that repeatedly that you can't do something, chances are you will never accomplish that goal because you believe you will fail.

Step Six: Picture What You Want To Happen

After filling yourself up with positive thoughts you will want to take the time to picture what it is you want to happen. Picturing the results is just as important as telling yourself positive things because it helps you get one-step closer to achieving your dreams.

Step Seven: Review Everything Before Going To Bed

One of the best times to go over everything that you want to remember, especially if it is something that needs to be memorized, is right before you go to sleep. The reason for this is that your subconscious mind is more likely to go over it while you are sleeping, which is an ideal time because your conscious thoughts won't be able to get in the way.

Step Eight: Listen To Your Dreams and Intuition

The final thing you want to do is listen to your dreams and intuition because your subconscious uses them to try to sort out any problems you might be having, but also uses them as a way to warn you of bad things. Listening to your dreams and intuition is another way to make your subconscious mind stronger. You can use this technique the most often, thus the more you use it the stronger your subconscious mind will become.

Cliff Yvon is passionate about the study of the subconscious mind and the significant impact it brings on personal development. He loves to share valuable resources about the subconscious mind control []. You can learn more on mind power by visiting him online at []
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