The Power of Vitamin C in Your Bodybuilding Supplement Program

Include the Power of Vitamin C in Your Bodybuilding Supplement Program
If you're a bodybuilder, no doubt you need bodybuilding supplements to help you get the most out of your workout. There are many beneficial and natural bodybuilding supplements available. Perhaps one of the easiest to find is vitamin C.
Where do you get vitamin C?

While some animals can manufacture their own vitamin C (cats, for example), humans and other primates cannot. We need to get vitamin C from our diets, and the best sources are citrus fruits such as oranges and grapefruits. Other vegetables and fruits also contain significant amounts of vitamin C.
What's so special about vitamin C, anyway?

Historically, vitamin C has been used to fight such diseases as scurvy. Indeed, sailors on the open sea were given limes to help prevent scurvy dating back to the 1600s and 1700s, even though vitamin C as a nutrient was not known. People back then simply knew that limes helped prevent scurvy, but now we know the active ingredient that actually has this benefit is vitamin C. Because they consumed lives to prevent scurvy, sailors were often called "limeys," which is where this term comes from.

Today, scurvy is not as common, but many people still are deficient in vitamin C. And of course, you might have heard that vitamin C helps fight the common cold, which indeed it does. However, it also helps form collagen, which is a key component in everything from muscles, cartilage, veins, capillaries, teeth, and bones. In short, you need vitamin C to support and maintain just about every part of your body. This, of course, includes your musculature, which is what you're concentrating on in regard to your workout program. Of course, your workout also requires that you have strong, healthy bones, which vitamin C also supports. This is why you need it as a natural bodybuilding supplement.

Vitamin C as a bodybuilding supplement

Not only is vitamin C necessary for overall health, but it can greatly improve your workout program.

This water-soluble vitamin can strengthen your immune system and help you recover from your workouts faster by suppressing a particular hormone called cortisol. This particular hormone suppresses muscle growth and helps encourage fat growth. Because cortisol is released during stress (and one stressor can be your workout), you need something that will suppress it. Vitamin C can do just that.

Vitamin C is water-soluble, which means that it doesn't build up in your system. Therefore, you can safely take a modest mega dose and not only be safe, but have your health improved as well. For best results, take 1000 mg of vitamin C an hour before your workout to lessen muscle soreness and help you recover faster after your workout.

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