Nutrition to Get Mass Muscle

I have people ask me all the time "I live in the gym and I am not getting bigger. Why? Another one I get is "what supplement can I take to get bigger?" Also "what is the best workout to do to get big"? That is just few of many questions I get all the time to get mass muscle. When asked these questions my first response is "how is your diet"? Usually I get a strange look back and then I get asked, "Why"? Here is the truth people you can take all the supplements in the world, you can lift all day
and night but it going to help until you eat right. In does not matter whether you are trying to lose weight or gain muscle, 70 to 80 percent of that is done in the kitchen. Sorry everyone there is no magic pill or secret workout.

The truth is that in order to gain muscle you really have monitor what you put into your body. The basic rule of thumb that I use for myself and other people that I think works is 40/40/20 method.

What I mean by this is 40 percent of your daily in take of food should be protein. Than the second 40 percent should be carbohydrates, and lastly 20 percent should be good fats. There are variations of this if you are one carb sensitive or a hard gainer than I change this up, but to start off with this is a good mix.

Let's start with the protein everyone is going to tell you that this the most important part of putting on muscle, and in some aspects they are right. We also have to have the carbs and fat though. Right now we are talking about protein. Yes, protein is the building blocks for muscle, and where we get our branch chain amino acids from. So with that being said how much protein do we need to get mass muscle. If we use the mathematic equation goal weight times 19 times.40 divided by 4 that should tell us. The 19 are the calories per pound of body weight that we need,.40 gives us the 40 percent we need, and 4 is how many calories per gram of protein. So our example would be 200 lb man times 19 give us 3800 total calories per day. Now we take 3800 and multiply it by.40 that gives us 1520 calories from protein every day. Finally we take 1520 and divide that by 4 and that tells us we need 380 grams of protein every day. This is almost 2 grams of protein per pound of our goal weight.

The second part of meal plan needs to be carbs. Earlier I said that protein is important, but there are other factors, and here is why I said that. Carbohydrates help get the protein into the muscle. It does this by elevating the hormone insulin. This in return puts glycogen into the muscle to help in repair and energy for the muscle. Secondly carbs are what give use energy through out the day. The mathematical equation for carbs is simple because it is exactly the same as protein. That means we need 380 grams of carbohydrates everyday also.

Now for the third part of the puzzle "fats". Now when I say fats I mean good fats like avocado, nuts, olive oil, and so on. Now don't get scared when I say fat we actually need it. One of the main reason is it helps in brain function. Fats have other functions for the body, but that is a whole other discussion. The formula for this is body weight times.20 divided by 11. So we know our ideal body weight calories are 3800 so let's multiply that by.20 to give us 760 calories from fat every day. Now there 11 calories in every gram of fat, so if we take 760 and divide that by 11 we get roughly 69 grams of fats per day.

Now with all this being said we need to try to spread all this out over 6 meals. The next thing you are going to say is I can not eat that much in a day. I will admit the first week is hard, but after that you will be hungry all the time. If you start with this 4 to 5 weeks, and then tweak it as needed you will see results. Remember getting mass muscle starts in the kitchen and ends in the gym.
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