Surround Yourself With Positive People

Have you ever noticed how it is so easy for we human beings to have our attitudes go straight into the pit of negativity? It takes such a lot of hard work, diligence and tenacity to keep one's head on straight and attitude right. I learned many years ago that if I wanted to have any kind of success in my life that I needed to surround myself with positive people.
Yes, there was a time in my life that I did not understand this powerful principle, but now that I do, I
want to encourage you to surround yourself with upbeat, positive, encouraging people, who call fill you up instead of drain you dry - people who spread their energy and enthusiasm for life everywhere they go. Oh, it is so much easier to keep your attitude where it needs to be when you are surrounded by such people, who have attitudes that are truly contagious and worth catching! What a difference it makes in helping you to operate at your peak level of efficiency!

Be aware, though, that if your own attitudes are negative, while at the same time you are trying to attract more positive people to you, you will be disappointed. Because positive people need to be around other positive people, they avoid negative people like the plague. (The reverse is also true; negative people attract other negative people so they can feed off of each other's negativity. Yuck!)

One other side note: Please understand I am not saying that surrounding yourself with positive people means you have to find people who have no negative situations and challenges in their lives and only hang around them. On the contrary, your goal is to surround yourself with people who, even when they are in the midst of trying and difficult circumstances, are able to view those challenges and respond to them in a positive way.

Just incase you are not convinced, here are some of the benefits of surrounding yourself with positive people.

Positive people will:
- Often times pick you up, when you've hit a brick wall.

- Encourage you with words and kind deeds.

- Have empathy because they understand challenging and difficult times.

- Check up on you to see how you are doing.

- Ask about your priorities and can help to point you in the right direction.

- Take negatives and turn them into positives.

- Tell others about you and this can, and often does, lead to a positive impact on your financial situation.

I am truly blessed and so humbled because I have surrounded myself with hundreds, and possibly thousands, of some of the most positive people on this planet. How about you? Will you make a commitment to be a positive person with the right kids of attitudes? This is a personal decision only you can make for yourself. How will you choose to live today?

Bob Prentice, Mr. Attitude
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