Why is Nutrition Important For Your Health? Your Body Needs a Supply of Energy to Survive

I have often wondered why we eat food. Most of the time we eat because we are hungry, or because we feel a rumbling in our stomach. Many people eat because they are happy or sad. Some even eat because they are bored and a lot of people eat just because the food looks tasty and inviting. However, little thought is given to the kind of food the body needs. The good food, nutritious food. But why is nutrition so important?

The answer is simple. Good food has nutrition that the body needs to function properly. Nutrition ensures that the body does not get sick and remains strong by replacing worn out tissue and muscle.

Nutrition keep the immune system strong so that attacks from the outside world of microbes and viruses can be warded off easily and prevent diseases. Nutrition is important because it provides the body with all the vitamins, minerals, and other important substances needed for proper growth. Without nutrition the body will wither away and disease will ensure that life comes to an end.

However, good nutrition is not only about getting the required amounts of vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It is about other important substances that have been recently discovered by nutritionists. These are Phytochemicals that are present in the colorful parts of fruits and plants. These Phytochemicals are not really needed for the body to function they do have a great bearing on health. Just for example the skin of apples contains a substance called quercetin this is an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory substance. The seeds and skins of grape contain resvertrol a power antioxident, which help slow down aging and repair damaged tissue.

So, if one wants to know why is nutrition important, one needs look no further than the need to survive and live a healthy life. Find out more information about living a healthy living with eliptical machines [http://www.elipticalmachinereview.com/] by choosing the right equipment, go to [http://www.elipticalmachinereview.com/]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tynan_Slade