Do Women Have A More Difficult Time Losing Weight Than Men?


If you are a woman and have found that it seems you have a hard time losing weight, this can be particularly frustrating - especially if you and your husband have gone on a diet together, and it seems he is seeing results far more quickly than you; while this is certainly a galling experience, however, most women simply explain it away by saying something along the lines of, "I'm probably just imagining that my husband is losing weight faster than me; we are each doing the same thing as one another, so I'm sure I am just imagining that things are going better for him!" The truth, however, is that there is a very good chance your husband IS having an easier time losing weight than you are having - and there is a perfectly good explanation as to why.

In order to reach a place where you fully understand weight loss, one of the most important things for you to realize is that shedding pounds is about a whole lot more than just "eating less food." For one thing, losing weight is about eating "the right food," as opposed to "eating less food." And for another thing, there are certain ways in which your body is meant to function in order to regulate weight naturally, and when these elements get out of balance, it can become far more difficult for you to achieve your goals in this area effectively.

One of the elements that helps us lose weight is Leptin, which is secreted by fat tissue to let our mind know whether we need more food or whether we instead have enough energy stored (stored in our fat cells that is!) to not need to eat at the moment; when everything in your body is working as it should, the Leptin in your body will tell your brain, essentially, "We do not need food at the moment, as we can burn some of this fat for energy." When this begins to happen, it will not be about "eating less in order to lose weight"; instead, it will be about "not being hungry in the first place," as your body will be informing your brain that you have enough fat stored for energy (and your body will then burn this fat for energy!).

Of course, this is the place at which all of us would like to arrive, but one thing you may not have realized is that there are things in both your lifestyle and your eating habits that can cause Leptin resistance to start taking place, and you will need to understand what these things are in order to correct the issue before you can effectively lose weight; how, then, does this tie into the question of whether women have a harder time losing weight than men? It ties in because women are likelier to develop Leptin resistance!

If you are a woman who has had a hard time losing weight, it may be because you are having issues with your Leptin; as such, it will be worth it for you to start learning about Leptin, and about the role it is playing in your own health and weight loss efforts!

If you have a desire to start learning more about what you can do to effectively lose weight, be sure to stop by and see us at today!

~David Bell
Get thin fast!

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