71 Weight Loss Tips

There are many ways to drop some pounds. In this article I want to share 71 weight loss tips on how to do it quickly and safely.
 1. Eat a breakfast rich in fiber which also includes a portion of protein.
 2. Clear your kitchen of all tempting foods you tend to overeat on.
 3. Get a weight loss buddy to be accountable to.
 4. Begin taking evening
walks to burn the calories away.

5. Spend less time sitting down and more time walking, standing, and so on.

6. Cut down on the sugar you put into your coffee or tea.

7. Eat good fats like olive oil and avocado.

8. Get 5 pieces of vegetables each day.

9. Eat 3 pieces of fruit each day.

10. Eat lean protein sources like eggs and chicken breast.

11. Reduce the amount of soy products that you eat.

12. Get a new hobby that takes you out of the house and away from the fridge.

13. Avoid all fast food restaurants as the food there will likely make you fat.

14. Get a gym membership.

15. Do 3-4 full workouts each week which include cardio and strength training.

16. Be active for 30 minutes each day even if it's light exercise as every little things helps.

17. Buy some dumbbells, workout bands, and an exercise mat for your home.

18. Find exercises you can do in front of the TV and do them.

19. Don't eat in front of the TV to avoid mindless eating.

20. Never eat out of a box. Always place food in a plate or a bowl first.

21. Cut down the number of courses you have in your meals to 2 at the most.

22. Eat desert once a week or on special occasions, not every day.

23. Set resonable twi-weekly or monthly goals and write them down.

24. Visualize how you will look once you lose all the weight you want. This will help you keep motivated.

25. Buy some clothes that will fit the future you and make sure to hang them where you can see them often.
26. Change your workout routine once every 4-6 weeks.

27. Cut down on alcohol consumption as this is just empty calories and massive sugar.

28. Create a workout schedule to make sure you really go to the gym.

29. Do a 10 minute workout each morning before you head off to work.

30. Avoid office parties or at least don't come hungry to them.

31. Never go to all-you-can-eat joints. It's an invitation to stuff yourself silly.

32. Drink green tea as it's rich in antioxidants and can even boost metabolism.

33. Make sure to do a solid warm-up before each workout.

34. Do a cool down and stretching session following each workout.

35. Focus on intensive cardio such as running, spinning, rowing, and so on.

36. Make sure to enlist the support of your family and friends.

37. Reduce stress in your life as it has been shown to inhibit fat loss.

38. Eat smaller meals more often instead of eating big meals widely spaced apart.

39. Make sure to work your entire body in the gym to produce more muscle mass.

40. Make sure to keep hydrated. Drink 8 glasses of water each day at the very least.

41. Don't get seconds during a meal. Wait for 20 minutes and only eat more if you're still hungry.

42. Don't compare yourself to other people. There will always be someone who loses weight faster.

43. Don't fall for celebrity diets. Celebrities have personal trainers and nutritionists who give them their undivided attention. These diets may not work as well for us mere mortals.

44. Use a tape to measure your progress. Often, if you build muscle mass and burn fat, you will not lose so much weight but you will still get a lot toner. A tape is often the best way to see how well you're doing.

45. Get a diet and fitness program to help you take the right steps to get the best results as fast as possible.

46. Don't believe that a pill, potion, powder, or electrical device will be enough to help you burn off fat and get results. You will likely simply be wasting money for nothing.

47. Eat a salad at the beginning of each meal. It will take away the initial hunger without having you eat fatty foods.

48. Do workout outdoors every now and then. Training outdoors seem to improve your mood and exercise a bit better.

49. Don't eat when you feel stressed out. It's a time when you're like to overeat.

50. Eat well after a workout but don't eat too much. There is such a thing as overcompensating and it won't be good for your waistline.

51. Make sure your gym time is used to really workout. Don't use the gym as a social club.

52. Find more active things to do around the house: play with your kids, tend to the garden, anything that gets your hands busy.

53. Avoid white bread, plain rice, and ordinary pasta. Go for whole flour bread, wild rice, and whole pasta for better carbs.

54. Do some light stretches every single hour of your waking day.

55. Avoid sugar drinks as they're full of calories.

56. Sugar-free doesn't mean that it's good for you. Unless you know that the artificial sweetener you're having is good for you, avoid it and go for natural sugar instead.

57. Find a sport that you enjoy and do it.

58. Eat grass fed beef as it's much better than industrialized meat.

59. Eat fish for the Omega-3 and protein. I like tuna, salmon, sardines, in addition to others.

60. Don't skip meals as it can disrupt your metabolism.

61. Avoid foods with trans-fat in them as it's one of the worst kind of fats you can put into your body.

62. A good rule of thumb is to eat natural, organic, and fresh food whenever possible.

63. Make sure to sleep enough hours. It's been shown that sleeping has a dramatic effect on how your body burns fat.

64. Keep yourself motivated by focusing on long term results and not short ones.

65. Eat nuts and almonds as they're rich in good fats and protein.

66. Make sure to allow yourself some treats now and then even if they're the fattening kind. This is a great psychological booster.

67. Eat mostly home cooked foods as you have more control over what's in it.

68. Do High intensity interval cardio instead of long duration medium paced cardio.

69. Only buy what you really plan on eating. Don't fill your house with too much food. The only place it can go is into your body.

70. Don't eat for an hour before you go to bed.

71. Believe in yourself. You can do this.

I hope you enjoyed these 71 weight loss tips. Good luck.

For an excellent way to eat to be healthy and lose weight without dieting, visit Diet Solution Program Reviews
Visit Tips For Flat and Sexy Abs to see how to quickly get a flat, firm stomach.
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_Davenport

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