Ayurvedic Herbs For Weight Loss - Healthy Weight Management

Ayurvedic medicine, also called the Science of Life has promoted healthy weight management for centuries. Embracing health holistically, the principals of Ayurveda include the mental, social and spiritual aspects of life as well as the physical. Every Ayurvedic diagnoses assesses the individual as a whole.
The ancient teachings of Ayurveda include admonishments to use this life for a higher purpose and

health is considered essential to attaining that goal. Illness is considered an imbalance. This lifestyle is aimed at preventing any imbalance or interruption of optimum health. Therapeutic measures for any such imbalance or interruption, such as abnormal weight are individualized.

Treatment for weight loss, as for any other perceived imbalance is specific to the individual, but certain general principles may apply. Purification, a process modern medicine might label detoxing or fasting may be a first step. The Ayurvedic physician might then recommend digestive exercises, sunshine and fresh air as well as specific foods or herbs to eat or avoid.

Foods and herbs considered beneficial or detrimental depend upon the individuals primary dosha, the determining of which is a complex assessment of temperament, or constitution. Each of the three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and kapha are said to contain two elements and each combination requires somewhat different treatments for successful weight loss.

Six tastes are recognized in Ayurvedic medicine; salt, sour, sweet, bitter, pungent and astringent. Each dosha thrives on certain combinations of those tastes and becomes unbalanced by others. Foods or herbs that might assist one dosha in losing weight could be less beneficial or detrimental to another.

Ayurvedic medicine is highly individualized and there are no 'one size fits all' prescriptions.

Common Ayurvedic recommendations for all individuals wishing to rebalance their health by achieving a proper weight include getting enough sleep, exercising and drinking water. However, how much sleep is enough, what kind of exercise might be most beneficial and how much water to drink might depend upon the individuals primary dosha.

A before dinner drink containing fresh ginger, salt and lemon juice in water is thought to activate the salivary glands and promote digestion for all doshas. Iced or very cold drinks are to be avoided at mealtime.

Bitter, astringent, or pungent herbs such as cayenne pepper, black pepper, cumin, mustard seed and ginger are considered conducive to weight loss. Tumeric, Barberry and certain Ayurvedic herb combinations are also considered helpful.

Ayurvedic is defined as the knowledge of life. The ancient Ayurvedic system of holistic healing is not just a lifestyle but a therapy that is considered necessary, by those who follow it, to maintain a healthy mind and body, as well as a healthy emotional perspective and perfect spiritual balance. Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies and Supplements are used for such things as the common cold, asthma and insomnia, as well as for many other common ailments.
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