Fat Loss Confusion - The Real Barrier to Permanent Weight Loss

Confusion reigns! There is probably more confusion in the area of weight loss than almost any other. Most people just don't know whom to believe. Day after day I hear this: -
How do I get the body I want? How do I go about it? I am so confused about what works and what doesn't. There seems to be so much information around about fat loss and yet I am more confused than ever.

There are more gyms and fitness centres around the world than ever before. And there are thousand (probably millions) of people sweating away even as you read this. They are bashing away at the treadmill, the climber and the cross-trainer in a vain attempt to burn off that ugly fat.
They might also be lifting weights for hours on end several times a week And don't forget the aquarobics classes.

Oh -- and then there is dieting. Every day a new miracle diet hits the streets. And each one is more expensive than the last. The only thing that is getting thinner is their wallet and they still have the supplements to pay for -- the miracle pills that will drop you 50 pound in a week.

Every morning they hopefully jump on the scales only to have their hopes dashed -- every morning! The weight goes up a few pound and the diet and the scales go right out of the window -- to be replaced by the latest fad diet.

Still this should not be surprising. This is the sort of behavior that the "fitness gurus" typically encourage. The problem is that there is just too much advice and too many diets and fitness regimes on the market for any one to make sense of it.

With any exercise or nutrition program, you'll probably lose some fat initially, but far too often the progress stalls and the required results don't come as fast as you would like. This is often because you are too focused on short-term results and just one specific goal. So you switch and the next plan doesn't deliver fast enough either. And so the cycle of confusion and frustration continues.

I firmly believe that what I have described here is the main reason why we live in a society that is consumed by the need to lose weight but at the same time has the highest level of obesity in history. People are flitting madly from one fad diet or exercise routine to another while losing sight of what really works.

In a nutshell, they are exercising too much, not intensely enough and looking for short-term results.

If they were to draw up a long-term plan, a lifestyle plan if you like, and not worry about "losing 20 pounds before Christmas" they would make much better, and sustainable progress.

The plan should include short but intense resistance training, a good nutrient rich diet, drinking plenty of water and getting a good night's sleep.

No confusion there!

One more thing...

If you've tried dieting and you've tried exercise and you are still struggling to lose weight you might want to grab a copy of my free report "The Big Weight-Loss Lie".
It details the reasons why you may not be losing the fat that you want to lose -- and better still suggests ways in which you might get more success.
Check it out: "The Big Weight-Loss Lie"
Thanks for reading,
Stan Harvey
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Stan_Harvey

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