3 Signs You Are Afraid to Lose Weight

Have you ever wondered if you might actually be afraid to lose weight? Sound unbelievable? After all, who doesn't want to lose weight, right?
It's not as unbelievable as you may think and there's a sure-fire way to tell right now if you are afraid to lose weight. In fact, I'll outline three of the signs for you now!
3 Signs You Are Afraid to Lose Weight
One of the signs you are afraid to lose weight is your ongoing self-sabotage. You constantly tell others that you were doing "so good" until "something happened", but you never can say exactly what that
"something" was.

Unfortunately you will probably never discover what that "something" is all on your own, which is why working with a professional mentor who knows exactly how to help you break free of your self-sabotage is so valuable.

But why can't you do it on your own? Well, simply because it's extremely difficult for you to be objective with your own "stuff". It's just like that old saying, you cannot "see the forest through the trees". You are too entrenched within your own struggles with food and your weight that you just can't see it.

This is why all high-achievers hire professional mentors to help them get to their next level in the least amount of time possible. The long and winding road is to attempt to do it all on your own. Believe me, I tried that myself and wasted years of my life trying to "figure it all out" alone. There is just no substitute for the objective coaching an expert mentor can provide you.

Another sign that you are afraid to lose weight is that you continue to put it off until tomorrow. More precisely, you put it off until "Monday, Someday, One day, New Year's Day, after my birthday, holiday, vacation, date, move" (insert more excuses/reasons here!). There simply never is a "right time" for you to lose the weight for good.

But this is also another frustrating dilemma for you, because you probably did not need to read these words since you already know this about yourself! You still cannot understand why you do this to yourself though.

Because after all, doesn't everyone want to have a fit, healthy, sexy body?

Here's why you do it to yourself, which is a third sign that you are afraid to lose weight: You have an F.A.T.

Mindset. What is that? Well it's the opposite of a weight loss mindset! An F.A.T. Mindset is a mindset that matches an overweight, unhealthy, feel-bad body. It's a mindset that is filled with fear attracting thoughts. It is that Mindset that continues to sabotage you and keep you fat.

What is exciting about the fact that your mindset is the real problem here, is that once you have a weight loss mindset then you release your fears along with the fat, and you keep the fat off! How can this be possible?

It's because your mindset is 90% of the solution, or the problem! It's your mindset that either will support you in the easiest weight loss possible, or your mindset will continue to hold you in your ongoing patterns of struggle and self-sabotage.

You see, diet and exercise is a mere 10% of achieving lasting success with your weight. But you cannot DO that 10% if you do not first have a solid weight loss mindset. Which goes far beyond surface positive thinking or positive affirmations.

A weight loss mindset is built upon a foundation that has healed the root of your lifelong food and weight struggles. It's that mindset that makes it super easy for you to live a healthy and fit lifestyle, which means no more fear of losing weight!

Now you probably want that mindset immediately, don't you! Of course you do, who wouldn't want to put their ongoing struggles with their weight behind them, for good! Well the quickest way to do so is by doing what others have already done before you: Simply follow the same proven, step-by-step system that they did to get a weight loss mindset and achieve the results of struggle-free, permanent weight loss.

Here's a small first step you can take now: Grab my FREE 5-Day E-course, which will help you discover what's REALLY been holding you back from losing weight for good, and what you can do about it! Get it now though, while it's still available!

JoLynn Braley The F.A.T. Release Coach mentors exceptional women (and a few cool men!) to permanent weight loss through her step-by-step proven System to a weight loss mindset, The Inner Self Diet™. Even after struggling for most of your life with food and your weight, once you have a weight loss mindset you'll finally make weight loss easy for yourself!

Grab JoLynn's FREE Five-Day E-course to discover Is Your Mindset Fit or FAT and learn even more about what's REALLY been stopping you from losing weight for good (and what to do about it!).
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=JoLynn_Braley