Improvements in Weight Loss Surgery Makes Them Safer

Recent studies have shown that more than 200,000 people choose to undergo some type of weight loss surgery each year. These are individuals who have exhausted all other weight loss methods and have seen little to no results. This huge number also includes individuals who need to lose excess weight to help alleviate health problems that are known to be related to obesity. These health problems include diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and many others. The patient and their physician may feel that undergoing weight loss surgery is the best option for them and the health problems that they may be experiencing.

Medical advances have made many of the different weight loss surgeries less invasive than they were in years past. This allows many patients to leave the hospital within one to two days after undergoing surgery. With the surgeries being less invasive, it also reduces the risk of complications arising in patients after they return home making these types of surgeries more popular to even the general population just looking to lose the extra baggage.

Weight loss surgeries require far less incisions and smaller incisions than in the past. The majority are performed through a laparoscopic procedure where only a few small incisions are made to gain access for laparoscopic camera and modified surgeon tools. These tiny incisions consist of no more than an inch to a two inch cut. For the patient, this means far less pain, less complications, and quicker recovery time.

Patients who have undergone a weight loss surgery reduce their risk of death over a period of seven years by 40% and cut their chance of experiencing some type of heart disease by 56%. These numbers provide surgeons validation and give the patients the comfort in knowing that the benefit of surgery greatly outweighs not having it performed. In addition to extending ones lifespan, patients also report an increased level energy and an improvement in their overall lives. They soon discover that they are now able to perform simple tasks and activities that they may have been difficult if not impossible previously. Many patients have shared that by undergoing a weight loss surgery has given them their life back.

Recent studies have also shown that bariatric surgery is also safe for teens. With the increasing sedentary lifestyles of our youth, we are seeing more and more issues with obesity in our teens. Although surgery is never a first option in weight control with anyone, especially teens, it does provide a viable option when all others have been exhausted. When considering this route for a teen, it is highly suggested you get a couple if not more opinions from qualified medical professionals. Qualified weight loss physicians and surgeons will be able to discuss with you your options and help weigh out the pros and cons of such a decision.

After undergoing surgery, patients are required to follow a specific diet plan per their surgeon. These diets are designed to meet their nutritional needs and medical needs in healing, as well as, teaching the patients how to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Once patients adopt these new healthy living eating habits they will be more successful in not gaining the weight back, harming the progress gained by the surgery, and feel an overall positive change in their lifestyle and health.

Nina Mehrabani is a Health care Coordinator for One Stop Med Center located in sunny Mexico where high quality care and affordable cosmetic surgery is their priority. To learn more on this topic and other various cosmetic surgery procedures, please visit One Stop Med Center.
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