3 Ways to Break Through Your Weight Loss Plateau

Every week you step on the scale with bated breath, anxiously awaiting a number to appear that is lower than the one last week. It's a great feeling when that smaller number consistently appears. Week after week your clothes are fitting more comfortably and you like your reflection a little more. But after awhile, that number just won't budge anymore. It happens to all of us eventually and yes, it is somewhat frustrating. It's even more frustrating if you are just a few inches from
your goal. With a little patience and some change in your routine, it is possible to break through that stagnate plateau and continue to enjoy weight loss success!

1)    Be honest with yourself. Have you been keeping up with your food log? It's normal for people to get so accustomed to their diets that they become complacent with journaling their meals and snacks. Be honest with yourself and take a good look at everything that goes into your mouth. A little bite here or a taste there can really add up at the end of the day. Get your pencil and paper ready and start being as detailed as possible? You may be surprised by what's being overlooked.

2)    Squat, lunge, push and pull your way through. So many people (especially women) ignore the fat loss benefits of a regular, consistent weight training program. Simply put, resistance training builds muscle and muscle uses more calories to sustain itself than fat does. So, build muscle to burn fat. Not only will you fit into a smaller dress size, you'll also be stronger, firmer and less likely to suffer the effects of osteoporosis.

3)    Keep your metabolism guessing. If you eat just 1200 calories every day, your body will naturally slow down its metabolism in order to survive on those 1200 calories. Mix things up a bit by alternating 1200 calorie days with 1400 or 1600 calorie days as well. You'll keep your metabolism fired up and that of course is the key to shedding pounds!

Shauna Weiss is a personal trainer and nutrition consultant. She is also the author/creator of the 'Soccer Mom weight loss program', designed for busy modern women wanting to lose weight, get in shape and have a real life.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Shauna_Labelle