How Low Stomach Acidity Can Affect Low Carb-High Protein Fat Loss Diet

Low carb-high protein fat loss plans are very popular and effective ways in getting rid of your extra body fat. Consumption of protein builds and maintains muscle mass and you also experience less hunger between meals. You can shed weight simply because you eat less.
However, there is a hazard when you want to lose fat with a low carb- high protein diet. It is a very common but often overlooked condition: intestinal "putrefaction." Protein is digested in the stomach by the enzyme pepsin, but only in a highly acidic environment. The more
protein you eat, the more acid is required to fully digest it. But after the age of forty, you've got an increased risk of not having enough stomach acid to do the digestion efficiently.

Before you begin a fat loss program consisting of low carbs and high protein content, make sure that your stomach's acid level is adequate. If your stomach is not working properly, nothing else in your body will.

Low stomach acidity is a definite metabolic disorder, and today it is very common among all civilized races, much as is for instance, diabetes.

If protein isn't digested well in the stomach by acid, pancreatic enzymes fail to handle it all and some partly digested protein passes into the bowels. Once it reaches the intestine, a large number of bacteria attack those not-so-well digested proteins. When these bacteria come into contact with the proteins, toxins are produced.

Many of these toxins are re-absorbed into the bloodstream, and overload the liver and the kidneys.

Those toxins can cause all sorts of problems and possibly even cancer. If you aren't sure whether you have low stomach acid, check with a doctor knowledgeable in natural or nutritional medicine before you start and/or continue a low carb- high-protein fat loss diet.

Symptoms of low stomach acidity can include heartburn, distension, gas, a "food just sitting in the stomach" feeling, indigestion, constipation, and intermittent diarrhea. Under specific conditions, these large molecules of partially digested food pass into the bloodstream. The immune system sees them as an invader and tries to isolate or destroy them, creating an adverse reaction.

You can improve your stomach's digestive function by taking betaine hydrochloride-pepsin or glutamic acid hydrochloride pepsin. Other supplements, such as lipase, amalyse and protease, can help. If you've got any history of ulcers, stay away from betaine hydrochloride or use it as directed by your health professional.

Low stomach acid can cause reflux. When the level of stomach acid is low, the food remains in the stomach longer than normal. Still, it is the acid which causes the damage to the esophagus. The pushing of the stomach contents into esophagus is due to the excess undigested food, not the acid itself. Even if you've low stomach acidity, it is still enough to cause heartburn and injure the sensitive surface of the esophagus.

How can you find out if your stomach acidity is too low?

In the morning, on an empty stomach, take an eight ounce glass of water and mix in a 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and drink it down. If you've got a healthy level of acid, the baking soda will bubble up in the stomach and cause you to burp. If it doesn't happen within a few minutes, then your stomach acid level may be too low.

Other symptoms of low stomach acidity.

Problems throughout the body often show first on the skin. Even dry skin can indicate a problem. Look in the mirror and read the signs.

Rosy cheeks

If you have rosy cheeks and/or damaged capillaries on your nose, most people will think you're a heavy drinker, but there's often a strong link between red faces and low stomach acid production. As we age, our stomachs stop producing sufficient levels of hydrochloric acid and pepsin. You can often rectify this simple digestive problem by taking supplements.

If your face is red all over and it is most obvious on your forehead and cheeks and you even suffer with medium to large acne-type bumps, you may have been told it is acne rosacea and given some prescribed medication. However, this nearly always points to low stomach acidity. Taking supplemental hydrochloric acid and pepsin will help your digestion but also most likely help combat your acne rosacea. This should be closely monitored by a doctor. Also, hydrochloric acid should never be used together with aspirin, butazolidin, inodicin, motrin, or any other anti- inflammatory drugs. They can cause stomach bleeding and ulcers, so using hydrochloric acid with them increases the risk.

Yellowish skin

Many people over fifty have a slightly yellow tone to their facial skin. You think this is the result of getting older. But you can reverse it. Vitamin B 12 injections can help revive the healthy pink- red tones to the face.

A lack of B 12 often is the result of an older stomach not making sufficient amounts of hydrochloric acid and pepsin.

How to balance low stomach acid?

You can supplement your lack of stomach acid naturally. However, be sure to talk to your doctor before starting any natural remedy treatments.

Take 1-2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar blended with a glass of water before each meal. Apple cider vinegar is an excellent acidic supplement and aids with the digestion of foods. However, it contains yeast and may cause problems for some. If the cider backs up reflexively, it may damage the esophagus just as much as the hydrochloric acid. It may also erode the enamel of the teeth if it is taken in too concentrated. To avoid that from occurring, rinse your mouth with a weak solution of baking soda right after taking your apple cider vinegar.

Forehead wrinkles

Wrinkles are a part of getting older. But if your wrinkles run vertically on your forehead and are accompanied by abdominal pain, there's a fair chance that you've got a duodenal ulcer and your digestion is impaired. It is recommended taking a test for helicobacter pylori. If the test turns out positive, try a natural substance called mastic. Using 500 milligrams three times daily for four to six weeks may remedy this condition.

Paul Drongo is a writer and editor working from home. He is writing articles and books on fat loss and weight loss. To find out more about his activities, you're invited to visit:
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