Make Weight Loss Fun With Video Games

Imagine losing weight from your living room, with the air conditioning blowing on you, having fun competing against your best friends on your Nintendo Wii. It is almost unfair to refer to the daily exercise routine as working out. However, technology in the 21st Century now allows for weight loss with exciting Wii video games known as exergames.
These days, modern video games no longer consist of you sitting motionless on the couch for hours, moving nothing but your fingers to play a game. Gaming has reached a whole new level, allowing men and women, old and young, to get physical in their gaming. Whether it is performing an intense dance routine, competing in a game of one-on-one, or battling friends at martial arts, exergames on Nintendo Wii can quickly burn many calories off of your frame.

One of the first games to exercise the body is Dance Dance Revolution. First made available back in 1998, the game instructs players how to dance by moving arrows on a televised mat. You simply have to keep up with the game by moving your feet along with the arrows in their proper sequences. The arrows speed up for more advanced games. Of course, the game is often easier said than done. Dance Dance Revolution has become part of the curriculum in physical education classes in certain parts of the United States.

The exergame has even become an official sport in Norway. Regardless, many American adults have a tough time taking gaming serious. It is hard to imagine a senior citizen trying to battle diabetes by dancing in the living room for a few hours at a time. Performing moderate to intense physical activities while playing exergames on a game console may not help you lose as much belly fat as going to the gym or dieting, but it can certainly be more fun than running on a treadmill and eating low-fat selections all day.

Besides exercising to Dance Dance Revolution, you can workout to Ubisoft Your Shape Fitness Evolved, as well as Ubisoft Just Dance 2 to begin losing belly fat quickly. Athletes can go a few rounds in Wii Boxing, as opposed to getting the same workout from speed walking on the treadmill. You can get your heart beating from playing soccer with Cybex Trazer Goalie Wars and shoot a few rounds on Golf Launchpad.

Meanwhile, sci-fi fans get to burn calories defending the planet with LightSpace Bug Invasion, and fighting off evil robots in Nicktoons Movin.

Being a responsible individual, you have to buy the right video games. There is no point purchasing a square-dance game if nobody in your home will bother to play it. Select games that peak individual interests, such as martial arts or track and field. Too often, the toughest part to losing weight with a Wii is simply remembering to play it on a regular basis. Regardless, Nintendo Wii has done more than just broaden the gaming market. It has done the near impossible, making weight loss fun for men and women of all ages. You can now spend your time and energy on the right game selections to lose weight quickly, along with having a blast in the comfort of your own living room.

I used to think that playing video games was just for children. I remember playing my Pitfall on my Atari when I was a kid. In college, I spent my time on a Sega Genesis. That was as far as I got, until I asked my doctor how to lose weight fast? He suggested Nintendo Wii for fast weight loss. How cool is that?
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