Top Ten Superfoods for Perfect Abs

By just incorporating the following foods into your diet, you could lower cholesterol, fight cancer, increase your heart health and boost brain power and to top it all they taste great too!
1) Brazil Nuts - All nuts are a great source of fibre and protein, especially on a vegan or vegetarian diet, but Brazil nuts are also a great source of selenium which has been proven to fight Alzheimer's!
2) Olive Oil - There's a reason the Italians live long healthy lives, olive oil is full of antioxidants and
is proven to lower cholesterol but be careful of the calories!

3) Salmon - Oily fish is full of Omega 3 and 6, excellent for eyes, bones, skin and the brain!

4) Broccoli - Is quite simply amazing, it contains so much in one floret it can boost immune systems, fight blindness, heart disease, muscle wasting illnesses and a host of other age related illness. If you didn't like it as a child, it may be time to think again!

5) Tea - In any form is full of antioxidants. It has actually been proven to prevent damage to artery walls thus reducing the risk of heart disease. Go on, put the kettle on!

6) Yogurt - we've all heard the benefits of friendly bacteria; well plain old simple yogurt fights bad bacteria and fills you up with good bacteria. Any flavour, any form, a yogurt a day will keep your intestines tip top!

7) Garlic - A wonderful way to flavour food, especially if you are cutting back on salt. Garlic helps cleanse the blood keeping all of your major organs working at their best.

8) Acai Berry - Not widely available, and best eaten straight from the bush in the middle of Brazil, however this little berry holds so much goodness even in its freeze dried form you'll still benefit. It has the highest concentration of antioxidants compared to other fruits, it's known for its cell regeneration properties and if eaten with a good oily fish it aids the absorption of Omega 3.

9) Barley - Barley is one food that when digested by the stomach it is made into energy by the small intestine. This helps prevent the risk of colon cancer.

10) Red Wine - A little of what you fancy? A glass, not a bottle a day can protect capillaries.

See, looking after your abs has never seemed so super and to top it all now you can gain the perfect six pack from the comfort of your own living room, without the need for expensive equipment.
For perfect abs to get you noticed without the expense of silly equipment visit Adrian James at
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