Lower Your Cholesterol: Drugs or Natural Remedies?

Everyone will agree that good health is a blessing that should be cherished more than all the achievements and material possessions that one may have amassed through the course of life. However, equally true is the fact that there are very few people in this world who can claim to enjoy perfect health. The fast-paced life that everyone leads today has made them adopt incorrect lifestyles and harmful dietary habits. As a result, physical as well as mental diseases are on an increase all over
the globe.

High cholesterol is one of the most rampant problems, affecting the young and the old alike. It is not very uncommon to see people who are barely in their late thirties resorting to medications to lower their cholesterol levels. However, not many of them are aware that these cholesterol lowering drugs (they are called statins because the names of all the drugs in this group end with 'statin') are reported to have mood altering effects. The statins block a key enzyme that is involved in cholesterol

production in the body. At the same time, the medications are also thought to affect serotonin, which is a neurotransmitter that helps maintain your good mood. The cholesterol reducing drugs are even thought to lower the brain's polyunsaturated essential fatty acids. These fatty acids are vital for the health of the brain and for ensuring your good mood. Therefore, their reduction translates into increased feelings of unhappiness and depression.

As people are becoming aware of the potential side effects of the medical drugs, they are turning towards natural cures and holistic treatments. Actually, all the aspects of your life are inter-linked and your overall well-being cannot be ensured by treating any element in isolation. The combination of healthy diet, proper exercise and relaxed lifestyle can work wonders in treating most of the common ailments. The experts of naturopathy claim that even a problem like high cholesterol can be quite effectively treated with the help of such natural remedies.

To reduce cholesterol, you should avoid saturated fats and consume high-fiber, omega-3 rich food. Quality proteins such as nuts, beans, seeds, lean animal protein, etc. should be included in the diet.

Good sleeping habits are also essential. Daily exercise like walking, cycling, dancing, aerobics, weight lifting, and other moderate intensity activities are beneficial in reducing the cholesterol levels up to 20%. Moreover, exercising offers the added advantage of improving your good cholesterol level!

Now, what you prefer to lower your cholesterol- medication or healthy diet and lifestyle changes?
As a fast-paced life is increasing the incidence of several diseases including depression Hong Kong residents are turning to ways of lowering cholesterol naturally.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Harveen_Pal