Maximum Intensity Sprint Type Workouts and Their Amazing Benefits

I've been subscribed to Dr Mercola for several years and try to read a few articles/week, not a lot, but it really adds up over even just a year and it's crammed full of super health info!
Usually backed by studies, references, doctors, trainers, his articles have slowly creeped into my lifestyle lol! One article in particular in mid '10 was about short burst type training, caught my attention.

In the article Dr Mercola showed that these types of workouts are far more accurate to who we are as humans and that we're not really built so much for 1-3 hour runs or long term aerobic workouts. He showed that humans are basically short burst near anaerobic creatures and that the human body responds extremely well to these types of workouts.

Besides the other excellent physiological factors, like huge HG-1 increases, large development of the white muscle fiber (quick twitch), there was enough information for me to start these trainings right then!

So I did as instructed and began on a recumbent bike (sit down type). The workouts are short, 20 minutes! You start warming up, select a level (I'm around 4-5), and 2 min in you sprint at very high speed for 30 sec, then low to medium speed for 1:30 for recovery. This is repeated 8 times total, then you cool down till you hit 20 min total.

There's a YouTube video showing Dr Mercola actually performing what he now calls Peak 8 Fitness, this is so intense physically, he can hardly speak!

I've done Peak 8 for 2.5 years at 1-2 per week, I did try 3 per week for a couple weeks but it was too much with all my other workouts. I've missed maybe 6-8 weeks in all that time so it's been fully integrated into my routines.

For instance yesterday I did my Peak 8 on the recumbent bike (I switch between the bike and the elliptical), it's ultra intense the way I've evolved doing this! My 1:30 breaks are still moving at a decent speed and the sprint is on the edge! During the sprint, I now get to 23 sec of the 30 sec and go absolutely all out, a pace which could not be maintained ANY further! I can't even look at the time!

This kicks the anaerobic threshold as high as I can go. This also involves as much white muscle fiber as possible. Another thing I noticed, without changing my diet, my body quickly went to a sprinters type physique! Just look at sprinters, they have amazing physiques!

They are large, muscular, almost like they were body building! This will be the direction your body will be heading by doing the Peak 8 Fitness!

To me, this is one of the greatest fitness discoveries of all time! My further experience of the sprint 8, now called Peak 8 Fitness by Dr Mercola, has shown me more results than any other gym workout I've ever done.

Besides a dramatic increase in your white muscle fiber, this tissue expansion needs the hormonal support, and will cause a large increase in HG-1 factor post Peak 8 workout. Dr Mercola explains that there are many other positive physiological adaptations the body has to make by doing these short burst workouts.

Again, I adapted an edge to this that I believe seriously increases my results, and that is by super maxing out the last 5-7 seconds as explained in the previous post, I have made a short video showing this. Note: Dr Mercola named this training Peak 8 Fitness because with each sprint interval our heart rate Peaks higher all the way to the 8th and final interval. He also approved of this method.

In the spring/summer up here in the mountains, I do my Peak 8 outdoors once per month. This is different than on equipment big time. First, injuries can occur even in healthy young people, and the time with which you sprint is only around 7 secs vs 30 secs on an elliptical machine. So unless you know how to stretch properly, warm up, etc, best to stay on the low impact equipment or pool!

I sprint for about 12 seconds total, it takes a few seconds to hit 90-95% max speed, this is like a bear was chasing you, then a few seconds to slow down gracefully. The whole Peak 8 timing is the same, your break is longer... and you'll need it!

Like massive combination repetitions, very, very few will do and stay with Peak 8's. Hey, I'm different. Maybe you are too, become fertile soil for learning these things and doing them.

If you can, do two per week, this is key: don't eat ANY carbs before or after! Carbs negate a huge amount of benefits! Make it your last part of your workout. Get a good protein shake, very low-no carb with water within 30 min after or you'll lose further benefits, and believe me, you don't want to waste a single benefit of such an intense but awesome workout! Hey it's only 20 minutes total!

Watch your physique after a month or two of doing two/week. Maybe not your weight, but your body will begin to adapt to this, check your measurements! Men, women, young, older, just start where you can, work your way to higher speeds, as Dr Mercola says, ask your physician about starting this program.

Till next time, God Bless,
These trainings are ongoing, feel free to comment, email. I use Ximo before each workout - I am user: kirch
Also the best liquid full spectrum supplement on the market.
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