Natural Food: Nutrition the Way Your Body Wants It

Ready for a Shocker?
Much of what we eat today is falling way short of what our body considers to be "good nutrition".
Sure, the marketing label says the food product has all the popular vitamins, minerals and other trendy nutrients at levels that seem impressive on the surface. But our body isn't fooled. Our body in its incredible and complex design knows exactly what it requires.

Were you aware for example, that one human cell has over 200 factories performing functions so complex, 50 of the world's Top CEO's would struggle to manage them even for one day? Then consider that our body has over 60 trillion cells and it becomes quite clear there's a huge amount taking place within our body, much of which we are unaware of, as we go about our daily lives.

This leaves us with a problem, as modern foods are lacking in two main areas:
1. Nutritional Content: It turns out that nutritional value of most of the food on our supermarket shelves is dropping in quality each year. A study by the American College of Nutrition found that in order to get the same vitamin A that our Grandparents received from eating two peaches, you would have to eat 50 peaches today.[1]

In 1995, the USDA recommended 5-7 helpings of fruits and vegetables to reach our daily requirements, now its 7-13 servings.

The reason for this decline in nutritional value includes a combination of factors such as topsoil nutrient depletion, pollution, green harvesting and negative genetically modified spin-offs.

2. Natural Content: The second issue with most food and supplements available today relates to the way the body digests and processes food.

Our body was designed to digest food from nature, not from artificial substances. The problem is that most foods on our supermarket shelves do not contain natural ingredients from real food; rather they contain artificial imitations of real food ingredients. Our body knows the difference.

Likewise, artificial or synthetic supplements predominantly are made from rocks, coal tar and petroleum, ingredients our body was never designed to ingest and digest.

As a result, most of what's in your typical multivitamin passes through the body unutilized. What's worse is that these synthetic nutrients put a toxic strain on our liver and kidneys. A Harvard study of over 22,000 Physicians reported no benefit to synthetic vitamins while other studies report toxicity and serious side effects [2].

These conditions combine to create food that is lacking in what our bodies need to sustain a strong immune system and active healthy lifestyle.

So our food is dropping in quality, what's the big deal?

Our body is a vehicle which requires fuel (food) to run. When the quality of the fuel(food) is less than optimal, the body functions in a less than optimal way (depleted immune system function, depleted hormonal (endocrine) system, low energy levels and irregular waste elimination system.

It's not surprising then that people are getting progressively less healthy each year:
Growing Health Decline
  • 1959 - 2012 Diabetes cases have increased by 700%.
  • 1941 - 2012 Cancer cases have increased by 31%.
  • 2000 - 2012 Autism cases have increased by 65%.
Source: National Centre for Health Statistics

What's more, the rate of heart disease is even increasing in kids![3]

Is There Any Good News?

Thankfully, yes. The human body in its incredible design is pre-programmed for wellness. Our genetic code has the instructions for optimal health, provided we input the right fuel (food and water).
In an ideal world, what is required for optimal health?

- Clean Air
- Low Stress
- Clean Water
- Sufficient Rest
- Exercise
- Proper Nutrition

We can't always control our environment, but we can ensure we have everything we need to be healthy and well-equipped for that environment.

In terms of nutrition, options include growing our own food, buying organic food from local markets or supplementing our existing diets with organic supplements made from real food which has the nutritional content we require to bolster our immune system in order to live a healthy active lifestyle.

[1] Donald R. Davis, PhD, FACN, Melvin D. Epp, PhD and Hugh D. Riordan, MD. (2004); Changes in USDA Food Composition Data for 43 Garden Crops, 1950 to 1999. Journal of the American College of Nutrition Vol. 23, No. 6, 669-682
[2] Dr. Paul Yannick (2006);The truth about whole food versus synthetic USP vitamins and minerals, Harvard University.

[3] TulsaWorld (2012). Article: "Poor Diet, Lack of Exercise, Hurt Teens" URL:
Christopher Drummond is a freelance writer at Real and lives in Cape Town, South Africa. Helping people find ways to be naturally healthy and enjoy a better quality of life is his passion. For leading organic products, tips and guides to improve your health and quality of life, visit:
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