Losing Water Weight - How To Prevent Water Retention

If you have a problem of retaining water and having a bloated feeling because of it, you might think that the logical solution is to drink less water. This is normally not the case at all.
The best thing that you can do for losing water weight is to drink more water.
In a moment I'll explain why, but let me first say something about taking pills to cause you to lose that extra water weight.

These pills can actually be quite harmful by washing out of your system water that your system needs, as well as chemical components of your body that are important.

Okay, why is it better to drink more water if you're already retaining water in your body?

Well, as you know, your body needs water. In fact, 70% of your body weight is made up of water.

Every function of your body, from the smallest cellular function to the largest function of your organs, all depend on water to work properly.

If you deprive yourself of water, it's as though your body thinks it's not going to get enough water to work properly. This causes your body to conserve water, and that's where your water weight comes from.

There may be medical exceptions to this general rule, so by all means seek the advice of a knowledgeable health professional.

When you don't drink enough water, your body becomes dehydrated, and that dehydration can cause all sorts of problems.

One very important problem is that the removal of liquid and solid wastes from your body is hampered. Not only are toxins removed by water, but even the removal of fat is facilitated by the process of water going into and out of your body.

When your body breaks down solid matter, it is removed from your body easier if you drink plenty of water.

Proper bowel movements are hindered by a lack of water.

Not drinking enough water causes your metabolism to slow down. This can slow weight loss if you are someone who needs to lose weight.

Water also helps nutrients to flow through your body and enter your cells for health and energy.

How much water should you drink?

One idea is to drink eight glasses of water a day.

Another is to take your weight in pounds and drink in ounces one half to two-thirds of your body weight in pounds.

For example, if you weigh 200 lbs., drink approximately 100 to 133 ounces of water each day.

As you do this, your body will realize you're not going to cause it to go without water, and you may be surprised how well your excess water weight comes off.

By the way, do you want to learn more about losing weight without counting calories, carbs or points?

If so, I suggest you check this out: NoCountDiet.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Terry_Rayburn