Secrets To Improving Women's Health and Fitness

What should you eat? What exercise program should you try? Who should you listen to? So many questions and so many answers. What's the best way to steer your way through this myriad of unknowns in order that you can experience better health and fitness?
Sometimes the best answers are the simplest ones. Rather than worrying about all of the what's that you should choose from how about taking a moment to ask yourself what's best for you. You are after
all the person who knows yourself the best. So all of these questions about what foods to eat, what exercises to do, and who to believe should be looked at only after you take a good look at yourself and decide what you really want in your quest for better women's health and fitness

After you listen to, watch, and read all of the information that you want about eating and exercising you have to decide what's best for you. Case in point. You read a great article on the best foods for weight loss but find out that the list includes mostly foods that you are allergic to. The weight loss program that you are interested in suggests that you use free weights because this will add strength and help you burn fat but you know that you won't go to a gym and you know that you just won't lift weights. So if you know that even though something sounds good, you just won't do what the program asks for, why get started?

Here's some healthy ideas for you to consider when choosing and beginning an exercise program.

Decide to get started and then make a choice as to a program that will work for you.

Once you have chosen a program commit to scheduling time to do the workout.

Think about doing this new program with a friend. Whether you choose to do a home workout or you choose to go to a class it's always easier to get started with a friend. Planning a workout program with a friend also helps both of you be more accountable for doing the program and also for improving your women's health and fitness.

Choosing a class to go to may be a good idea because having an instructor helps you know that you are doing the movements correctly and also puts you in an environment with others who are also encouraging and trying to reach similar goals.

Be careful about comparing. All to often people lose interest in their exercise program because they tell themselves that they are not as slim, fast, good, or other reasons as the person or people that they are doing a workout with. Do what you can do and be happy with the results. Watching and comparing yourself to others is a sure fire way to sabotage your desire to continue with your fitness program.

Be patient. It takes time to see big results but be on the look out for little progress. Being regular with your exercise will soon have you seeing the results that you are looking for even if those results may not happen as quickly as you might like. It takes time and your patience and persistence will be rewarded. One step at a time.

Celebrate. Be happy for your progress and pat yourself of the back when you are able to do something better than you did the day or week before. Getting fit can be hard work at times so it's necessary to feel that you are moving in the right direction. Give yourself credit and you will find your women's health and fitness program to be much more enjoyable.

Resource Box: Fred Nicklaus is an over 50 year old former National Champion martial artist who have owned and operated martial arts and fitness programs for over 30 years. He teaches strength and fitness classes for women in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Visit to find out more about his 9 Minute home workout for women and also claim your FREE fitness video
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