Start A Workout Group For Improved Exercise Regularity

It can often be problematic to find the inspiration to workout regularly. Sure many of us may workout two or three time a month, however in order to truly get in shape the word regular insinuates three to five times a week. For anyone that is on a personal mission to lose weight, aside from eating in a healthy manner, getting regular exercise is key to burning excess calories and fat from the body.
For the most part, when people workout together as a group, they help inspire each other to succeed.
They form a bond which helps them continue striving for their overall goals.

If you haven't even seen a fitness boot camp session or step aerobics class, they are usually packed and I imagine most of the participants regularly attend on the same days and times each week. They have formed a bond, a camaraderie with everyone there. it has become their daily/weekly ritual and they no longer are concerned with where or when they will workout next.

They've developed an exercise routine that works for them.

To help improve your inspiration so that it's not a daily struggle to get out and move your body, one way is to form an exercise group with friends, relatives, or neighbors. This is the perfect way to get actively involved with people you know and start working out on a consistent basis.

When thinking activities the group can do, first think of sports or activities you may already know how to do, or want to get involved with. It can be something as simple as walking, jogging, or hiking around the neighborhood or a park if that's what you would like to do.

You can also think of sports you enjoy playing or would like to start learning how to play such as tennis, basketball, soccer, volleyball, racquetball, rollerblading, surfing, just to get you thinking of possibilities.

It may seem like an insurmountable task to learn a completely new activity, but when you team up with others that have the same interest, the learning process is much more bearable. You will find comfort with the fact that you are with others that are in the same situation as you.

If you are unable to find any classes in your area for the sport or activity you want to start doing for exercise, then you be the one to start the group up. Once you have two or three people that share the same interest, get them to think of others who may also want to get involved. Tell them to think of friends, family members, work colleagues, and neighbors as possible recruitment sources. You can even post messages to your Facebook friends and Twitter followers which can have a huge effect these days with the popularity of these social media outlets.

Once you have your group in hand, in order to keep everyone informed of the meetings/practice times create a Facebook fan page (free) or even a website where you regularly post information, workout times, and upcoming activities.

You can even find someone such as a personal trainer or an exercise guru to lead your group in a cardio circuit workout, or "boot camp", for a minimal fee. If you have 5-10 members in your group, for $3 or $4 each the trainer could do a 1.5 hour workout. After a few sessions learning all the different exercises and proper form/technique, maybe the group member who excels can take over and won't cost anything for the workout.

You can even look online on YouTube or do a Google search to find cardio or boot camp style workouts that will show you in depth what each exercise is, how it's performed, and the duration it should last. You can then either choose to follow what you find, or mix and match a variety of activities to form your own workout. The sky is the limit when it comes to designing your own group workout, all it takes is motivation and the desire to get it off the ground functioning on a regular basis.

Be the one to who is proactive with this venture and find a partner that is as enthused about getting in shape as you are. You'll find that two heads are more productive forming a workout group and getting it running smoothly than just one. Plus with two or more working to form the group, you will have access to a greater pool of prospective members.

Get the word out. Talk to your friends, neighbors, and relatives. Find out who is interested in working out regularly. Once you do this, the battle is half over. Stay committed, motivated, and you will be one who is successful losing weight and getting in shape.

Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, has been teaching 5th grade in the LAUSD for 12 years and has recently embarked on a journey to lose weight, eat healthier, and finally get in shape! Follow his progress on as he strives to lose 60 pounds through dedicated exercise and eating healthy. From healthy eating guides, to a step-by-step manual tackling the process of losing weight, to free weight loss videos, get the latest information to combat the rising obesity epidemic and start improving your health today at
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