What to Eat Before and After Exercise

While how much we exercise is important to determine how fast we can get rid of the unwanted belly fat, what we eat - and when - also plays a role in how well we exercise. The right foods, eaten at the right time, can actually improve your athletic endeavors - making you stronger and able to last longer. Here are some tips on how to nourish yourself before and after exercise to get the most from your workout - no matter when you exercise.

Eating before Exercise:
It generally takes one to two hours for any food - even good ones - to be digested, absorbed and metabolized to be utilized for energy. So anything you eat within an hour of exercising just sits in your stomach. And the more food sits in your belly, the worse your workout will be.

The better way is to follow the 60/60 rule, a light snack containing up to 60 grams of carbohydrates at least 60 minutes before your workout. Among the snacks that fit the bill are five dried figs, two cups of grapes, a cup of low-fat yogurt, or a bagel and piece of fruit. Whatever you choose, just make sure that you eat it at least an hour before exercising.

Eating after Exercise:
A big drink is probably the first thing you need after any kind of decent workout. Other than drink, it is recommended that you eat high-carbohydrate foods as soon as you finish exercising as possible.

For morning workouts, this translates to a post-workout breakfast of cereal, bagels, or other high-carbohydrate foods; for evening exercisers, pasta, bread and beans are excellent choices.

Men and women who work out to control their weight are also advised to eat plenty of vegetables, especially for dinner. Fruits are great, but vegetables have an edge because they tend to be more nutritional and, on average, contain less than half the calories of fruits.

Eat right and train well, and you'll soon be carving out that lean body you've always dream of.
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