Chocolate For Weight Loss and Health During the Holidays

With the holiday season upon us, I think it is a great time to focus on staying healthy and happy, enjoying life and all it offers. All year long we strive to eat well, lose excess weight, decrease bad dietary fats, exercise more, improve our skin and hair, become svelte, sleek, chic and fashionable. We have worked hard at maintaining our bodies, our minds and our images. There isn't any sense in letting all that effort go to waste is there? Well, here are some thoughts:

Chocolate contains serotonin, which wards off depression.

Chocolate stimulates production of endorphins (the feel-good hormones).

Dark chocolate is good for the heart and helps lower blood pressure.

Dark chocolate reduces bad cholesterol.

Chocolate contains protective antioxidants.

Chocolate is yummy.

It is well known that depression results in sadness, withdrawal, lethargy and inactivity. Maybe a little bit of chocolate would help lift the spirits, increase the desire to be out doing things, like going for a walk with a friend. That's good for weight loss. Maybe some of those endorphins will hide away those feelings of fear about not being perfect. What a relief for the mind! We can improve our cardiovascular health, lose weight,and get happy all by eating the sweet stuff.

To some of you this idea may be a bit far fetched, however I am experimenting with the idea. I figure the more chocolate I eat, the happier and healthier I will likely be. Therefore, my plan is to eat a ton of of it over the holidays, ski and play, be merry and enjoy life. If it doesn't work out, I'll change my plan in January.

I write with the intention of giving health and fitness related information, and do not have a website to sell or promote specific products.
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