What Are the Characteristics of a Good Nutrition Bar?

A wide variety of Nutritional Bars have been on the market for many years each claiming that it will help you to control your weight. Needless to say not all actually perform as the same. What many manufacturers, that use artificial sweeteners in the formula to sweeten their nutrition bars is that in quite a few bars the artificial sweetener actual stimulates further hunger desire when consumer. This is not common to only diet nutritional bars but also several diet drinks and carbonated beverages.

I have personally experienced this hunger desire after consuming any diet products. Once I stopped consuming products with artificial sweeteners I no longer had the desire to eat. When I asked my doctor he confirmed that artificial sweetener actual make you feel like eating more.

Having made the above statements, the following question arises as to what makes one nutrition bar better than another?

Characteristics of a Quality Bar

Let's start by saying that a good bar should have the following characteristics:
  • Taste good
  • Should not stimulate further hunger
  • Make a perfect mini meal or snack
  • Provide your body with energy producing nutrients
  • Allows you continue burning fat
  • High in Protein
  • Low in Carbohydrate fats
  • Stimulate the Glycemic Response facilitating release of stored fats as fuel or proving energy
  • Have more than one flavor to avoid you becoming fed up
Many bars provide some of these traits but not all of them do. However, the determining of which products have the ingredients that will support these characteristics is not an easy task and could be quite time consuming.

I could bore you with a lot of comparative information, but I would rather just prefer to share with you a product that both my spouse and I have used for years successfully to control our weights. The product that I am referring to is the GNLD GR2eat Bar.

Whether you are on a diet or not a good nutritional bar makes sense.

For the dieter the nutrition bar is an effective way of controlling your calorie intake, providing energy while losing weight. It helps to reduce hunger pangs in between meals.

For those people that are not a diet plan the nutrition bar helps to control their calorie intake, thus enabling them to maintain their desire weight. In either situation the GR2eat Bar provides a favorable benefit to the consumer. Binging on junk food whilst you are experiencing hunger pangs is not healthy and can be avoided or tempered.

GNLD GR2eat Bar provide the user with all of the above using only natural ingredients. It is part of the GNLD Dynamic Weight Loss Program. Based on user feedback and re-order levels this GR2eat Bar has been proven be a success. It is risk free and safe for human consumption.

To obtain more information or order your GNLD GR2 eat Nutrition Bar CLICK HERE! to visit the WholeFoodSupplementsOnline.com website.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Gregory_Leanza

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