7 Secrets To Transform Your Body in 7 Weeks...

ripped absWhen you have the right motivation, the right plan and the right support, we've discovered that almost anyone can easily lose 5-10 pounds of fat in 49 days over the holidays, instead of gaining it.
Some people do even better - gain muscle too, and completely transform their entire bodies - in only 49 days! Doing that however, requires more than a casual effort...
 Average efforts produce average results. Extraordinary efforts produce extraordinary results.

Jacqui Oulton, gave an extraordinary effort. As the law of cause and effect always holds true, she reaped extraordinary results. She totally transformed her body, and won the Burn the Fat Challenge 49-day body transformaton contest!

Here were Jacqui's results in just 49 days:
  • Decreased her body fat percentage by 11.3%
  • Increased her lean body mass by three pounds (GAINED muscle while losing fat at the same time!)
  • Reduced her waist measurement by 4.3 inches
  • Reduced her hips measurement by 4.7 inches 
    Jacqui said her 7 major keys to success included the following:

    1. Lifestyle. The challenge provided a short-term goal to focus on. But training was not something temporary for achieving one goal; Jacui viewed it as part of her new and permanent lifestyle.

    2. Progression. They say, "do what you've always done, get what you've always got." Jacqui knew this, so she progressed her workouts weekly. She added weight to the barbells and dumbbells, she increased the intensity level, and she also progressed her cardio, pushing herself a little harder each week.

    3. Consistency. Being consistent is common trait in all our Burn the Fat, Feed the muscle champions and Jacqui says she did not miss a single exercise session the entire 49 days.

    4. Prioritization. Jacqui trained first thing in the morning and made it the priority of her day. She also walked in the evening.

    5. Knowledge. She studied and soaked in all the information from the Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle book and from all the articles and audio interviews in the Burn The Fat inner circle website. She modelled the success strategies of other champions and adapted them for herself.

    6. Persistence. Everyone hits stumbling blocks and obstacles - achieving a challenging goal is never smooth sailing. The difference between the finishers and dropouts is the "never give up" attidude.

    7. No procrastination. Winners and champions always do at once what needs to be done. No where is this truer than during a 7-week (49 day) fitness challenge when there is so litte time; every week, every day, every workout counts. Nothing is ever "put off for later."

    Over the 49 days of the Burn the Fat Holiday challenge, Jacqui made a total life overhaul - body, mind and emotions. Emotional eating had become a big problem in her life, which is understandable: Her daughter spent nearly an entire year in the hospital (as did she, by her daughter's side), during which time her (now 13 year old) had a double lung transplant.

    W. Clement Stone once said that within every adversity, is contained the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. For Jacqui, her daughter taught her the true meaning of indomitable strength and never giving up and she said she drew on that during this challenge.

    There are certain things we see in common with all our Burn the Fat challenge champions and all the great transformations here in the Burn the Fat inner circle. Some things are different, like the specific foods each person chooses to eat, but some are always the same, such as having a powerul "reason why" to change.

    For Jacqui, she wanted to be healthy and strong so she could always be there to care for her family. She also wanted to build her confidence so she could believe that if she could achieve this, she could achieve anything in life.

    The Power of A Strong Support Circle

    Another common theme we hear from our Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle challenge champions is that support from other people was always a major factor in their success. For some, they were forutnate that it came from their immediate family as well as their online community.
    "This Challenge has been a family affair - my husband and children have not tried to sabotage me once - they were always right behind me."
    My Burn the Fat Inner Circle team, Team Underbelly, have become wonderful friends (we didn't all make it to the end, but everyone will in their own time), and the whole Burn the Fat Inner Circle is just an awesome, supportive community, providing so many role models.
    The accountability of the weekly reporting that everyone would see, and then using this as a feedback loop, was probably the most important part of the Challenge for me."
    What's YOUR Goal?
    Whether your "fitness challenge" means officially entering our next Burn the Fat transformation contest, or you simply take on your own personal fitness goal, whatever that may be - remember - this plan isn't just for bodybuilders and "hard-bodies." Jacqui is not a professional fitness model or competitive figure athlete. She's a 43-year old mom of three. If she can do it, anyone can do it.
    Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle has been THE PLAN for thousands of men and women of all ages and backgrounds in 152 countries.

    The Burn the Fat Inner Circle has been the motivation support system for thousands of people who didn't have the support they needed from family and friends. If they were lucky enough to have a supportive social circle already - The inner circle gave them EVEN MORE support online from like-minded people all over the world.
    We can give you the motivation, the support and the plan. All you need to do is set a goal and work hard to put the plan into action!
    Train hard and expect success,

    Tom Venuto
    PS. The Burn The Fat Challenge is a twice a year body transformation contest open to all Burn the Fat Feed the Muscle customers and all Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Inner Circle Members. The next 49 day challenge starts on November 15th, 2012 and the deadline to enter is November 21st, 2012. The Challenge is held at the Burn the Fat Inner Circle ("contest central"). Hope to see you there!

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