How to Burn Even More Fat? Sleep and Rest More!

When you are undergoing a programme of intense exercise to burn fat, get toned and lose weight the muscles of the body actually are subject to small tears and injury. What people do not realise is that the body needs time to heal and repair these small tears, it actually adapts and heals, given the time and rest it needs.
During this repair process, the body uses and continues to burn fat even when you are resting and
even when you are asleep. All too often people go back to the gym, overtrain, get sick or demotivated and give up with disastrous results. Be patient and let your body heal for the longer term benefits of a toned and leaner body.

If you do overtrain, then the body is not allowed to recover from this exercise, and you could affect your immune system and get sick, which knocks you even further back from your goals of a leaner body.

How long does the body take to recover?, probably longer than you think, between 1 to 3 days depending on the person. This is how long you should rest between your high intensity resistance training (or fat burning) sessions or you will forfeit your chances of building a lean strong body.

Resting is good but sleep is the ULTIMATE recovery tool we have. The main reason we do not get enough sleep is stress. It could be from family pressures, work issues, or finances. Increased stress can be dissolved by adequate sleep. A high stress level can shut down the ability of the body to burn fat. Ideally we should get around 7 and half hours sleep, but of course it varies from person to person.

You should wake up feeling well rested and energised, if not then there is not enough sleep going on or not enough good quality sleep. Remember, the sleep and rest you get after the intense resistance exercise that burns fat and promotes a more rapid weight loss and firm toned body

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