Decrease Belly Fat With Fat-Burning Vegetables

Here's one more reason why you should increase your servings of vegetables. Vegetables decrease belly fat too. There is a science to this, and your body and the environment are greatly involved. So how do these fat-burning vegetables work in our bodies?
Exposure to environmental toxins in many forms is a major reason why we have excess fat including belly fat. You see our modern industrialized society has unleashed an ocean of pollution in our
environment; in oceans and rivers with our fishes, in the air we breathe, in the soil that grow our foods and in our processed foods. In fact even some of the medicines we take factor into this pollution equation and can increase belly fat in both men and women.

These pesticides, herbicides, petrochemicals and drugs set up estrogenic effects in your body. You might be using some of these chemicals in your house cleaning products. The term estrogenic comes from the hormone estrogen. An influx of extra estrogen into body cells can cause fat cells to grow and become stubborn.

Nobody escapes exposure to these chemicals and drugs, called xenoestrogens. But what can you do to reduce their effect, especially if your body is holding on to body fat? Use your vegetables as one of your weapons to fight back and decrease belly fat before the body absorbs them.

Research has shown that vegetables in the Brassica or cruciferous family of vegetables contain phytonutrients in the form of indole-3-carbinol that once metabolized in our bodies help to transform the bad estrogens, xenoestrogens into good estrogens. Fat burning vegetables in the cruciferous family include cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, rutabaga, brussel sprouts, kale, collard greens, watercress, cilantro, horseradish, and more. These will help to decrease belly fat.

We also know that people with a build-up of belly fat are prone to getting diabetes. Cruciferous vegetables lower blood sugar because they are high-fiber foods. They help moderate your blood sugar level and keep your insulin level low, in turn lowering body fat and your risk of diabetes. In addition to providing powerful phytonutrients to help you fight fat, these low calorie, vegetables are high in fiber that provides roughage in your intestines thereby clearing your digestive system and sweeping out fat cells that might have gotten stuck to your mid-riff while in transit. This very important action that cruciferous vegetables perform helps to decrease belly fat. So if you haven't been eating lots of cruciferous vegetables and you want to reduce your belly you should begin adding more of them to your diet.

Get more useful information about how to decrease belly fat at [].
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