Keep Your Resolutions - At Work

Count Down to a New You: 10 Tips to Keep Your Resolution in the Workplace
Did you make the New Year's resolution to get healthy and lose weight? If you have tried in the past without success, you're not alone. Only 3 percent of resolutions actually stick. It gets even more difficult when you work in an office environment, staying sedentary for much of the day and losing the time to exercise. A professional nutritionist and coach might be your way to go.
If you are still trying it on your own, here are 10 workplace-friendly tips help you get healthy within your work lifestyle:
1: Stick to Balanced Diets: Fad diets are overly restrictive; having forced meals are generally unhealthy. If the plan calls for you to cut
out a food group, only eat their own meals, or take expensive supplements, it's a fad diet and will harm you in the long run. In addition, yo-yo dieting increases your risk of heart disease by 100 percent.

2: Use the Half Rule: Fill half of your plate with vegetables at every meal. Fill a quarter with meats and a quarter with 100-percent whole grains. Hint: Put frozen vegetables in a small bowl in the morning before you leave for work and by lunch they will be thawed and ready for the microwave! Add a pat of butter or a teaspoon of sauce for flavor.

3: Eat Breakfast: Your digestive system starts about 1 hour after you wake up. If you do not give it food, it will be sluggish all day. This means any food you eat will turn to belly fat, you will not get the nutrients out of the food and you will feel tired all day. When you eat breakfast, your digestive system kicks into high gear, burning fat and providing energy.

4: Keep Moving: While it might not be possible to take a walk after lunch, you can avoid sitting all day. Take a walk to talk to your co-worker instead of calling or emailing, sit on the edge of your seat and stand up when on the phone.

5: Set a Realistic Goal: Women, what dress size do you want to be? This is better than weight goals. A size 6 or 8 woman looks curvy and healthy. Set a goal for toned, not bulky muscles. Men, your bodies are built for hard work. Set a goal lift a reasonable weight, about 30lb weights, and shoot for a 32 waist.

6: Eat Fish Twice Per Week: Fatty fish, like tuna, salmon and sardines, have been shown to accelerate weight loss by 1 to 2 pounds a week. Worried about toxins? Keep the types varied and choose sustainable fishing methods.

7: Know Your Portion Sizes: One portion size is what you can fit in your hand. But this only counts for real food. The serving size for candy, processed meat, and processed food is the size of your thumb.

8: Write it Down: People who write down what they eat and how they exercise lose more weight and keep it off longer. It's psychological: Who wants to write down that they loafed all day or ate the whole pint of ice cream by themselves?

9: Have your Dessert and Eat It Too: Forget skipping dessert, it only makes you want it more. Have a piece of fruit for your lunch dessert and a yogurt parfait for dinner. Make your dessert healthy and you really can enjoy it! Just don't eat the sugary, fat-packed candies or pastries.

10: Water, Water, Water: In a heated building, you can lose 8 oz of water just though breathing and sweating. Drink at least one glass of water an hour.

Weight loss resolutions are great, and keeping them is even greater!
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