Building Muscle Made Easy - Make Your Workouts Fun Again

For those of you who have been around the sport of bodybuilding for a while-and who have done countless sets and reps-I would like to ask you a question.
Do you remember those first couple of years of lifting?
What I mean is, everything was new, it was fun-there was no pressure.
You did not need to lift a certain amount of weight or only take a certain amount of rest in between sets.

You just trained-at least I did-because I loved it!

I know, I know, the say that you cannot go home again-and maybe they are right, but it sure can be fun to try.


The next time you go to the gym and are feeling burned out-or simply that you do not want to be there-try something different.


Doing ten sets for biceps, but instead of doing the same exercise for ten sets, use a different exercise for each set.

And if you really want to get crazy, try mixing up each set by doing high reps for one and lower reps for another.


Try training a body part that you really do not like to train-like hamstrings for example.


Find a way to make it fun-like the way training arms or chest is for most bodybuilders.

Yes, I know it will be hard to do-you might have to think outside the box-but give it a try.

You never know, you might find that you really like training this particular body part after all.


Another way to have fun in the gym-is to find a training partner that is super motivated to train--the reason does not matter, he or she just needs to be motivated.

Like you were when you were first bitten by the bodybuilding bug.

Training with a fellow bodybuilder who is highly motivated to get better is probably one of the best ways to make improvements.

It is common nature, when you see someone training hard and making improvements, you feel compelled to do the same thing.

So your level of effort is bound to go up-perfect as this most likely will help you make better gains.


I know it goes without saying, but if your training has not been going as good as you would like it to-take a look at your nutrition and sleep habits.

Are you eating some nutritious food every two to three hours?

And getting and solid eight hours of sleep every night.

If not, make the commitment to get back on track.

By just correcting these two factors, you will be amazed at the difference it can make in not only your attitude but training as well.


If you feel your training has gone stale, I urge you to give the above ideas a try, because if you do, I believe your training and muscle gains will start to improve.


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