Exercises That Promote Weight Loss

The main reason why people gain weight is because their body remains inactive most of the time and in addition to that, they consume too much food. If a person remains active, the calories resulting from the food that he consume gets converted into energy rather than getting converted into fat. This in turn helps him to remain healthy and he does not gain weight. The type of food that we consume determines the amount of calorie that we intake. Therefore, if we want to lose weight we need to take care of our regular diet and we should avoid junk food like pizza, chips etc.

To get a proper diet chart, a person can consult a dietitian or a doctor. For weight loss, physical exercise is also necessary. Exercises along with a proper diet helps to prevent the accumulation of excess fat and at the same time helps to shed the existing amount of fat in our body. For regular workouts a person can join a gym where he can get the assistance of a professional trainer. For weight loss a person should also understand his body type.

Here are some of the basic exercises that would help you to lose weight in a matter of few days and this has been recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services:
  • Strength training - if you perform strength training almost regularly then the results will start showing at the end of the week. However if you have a busy schedule then you can do it at least two times a week. This training includes heavy gardening, rock climbing and the usage of various weight machines.

  • Aerobic activity - if you can perform aerobic exercises for at least 150 minutes in a week then it will be more than enough. However if you are suffering from obesity then you can increase the timing. The main thing about this activity is that it should be practiced regularly. Some of the basic aerobic activities are swimming, brisk walking, mowing the lawn, aerobic dancing and running.
You can consult a trainer if you are not aware of what exercises you should perform. A trainer would tell you in detail about the exercises which you should perform and the amount of time you need to devote for that exercise session. You can also consult your trainer if you want to lose weight from any target area like abdomen, thighs etc.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sooraj_Surendran