Healthy Vegetarian Diet 101

A healthy vegetarian diet is possible to maintain, but it does require a bit of creativity and variety. Many people choose to go vegetarian as a way of eliminating animal products - namely meat - from their diets. In addition, there are several health benefits to choosing a healthy vegetarian diet. If you are looking to adapt your eating habits and change over to a healthier diet, this article discusses some precautions to take in, as well as the great benefits that your new diet can offer.

Why People Choose a Healthy Vegetarian Diet

There are many reasons why people choose this type of diet for their nutritional needs.

Health benefits - Fruits and vegetables are loaded with vitamins and minerals, making a healthy vegetarian diet attainable. Without these vitamins and minerals, we would not be able to sustain our health, fight off colds, infections and diseases. A healthy vegetarian diet can boost our immune systems and help our organs remain strong and vital.

Avoidance of Meat - Many people turn to vegetarianism because they choose to avoid meat. This is due to the antibiotics that animals are fed while they are on farms. There have also been numerous problems reported with meat, and such diseases like mad cow disease are not far from peoples' minds. With a healthy vegetarian diet, you can avoid these potential toxins.

What Types of Foods Can I Eat as a Vegetarian?

When people hear that you are on a healthy vegetarian diet, oftentimes they are unaware of what actually encompasses such a diet. In fact, it is not a diet at all, but a way of life. There are many different kinds of foods that are involved; not limited to just fruits and vegetables. All of these foods provide valuable, nutritional content - some of which are:

Nuts and legumes - these are important parts of a healthy vegetarian diet. They provide the necessary fiber that some vegetables and fruits may not. This category includes many different kinds of beans such as kidney beans and garbanzo beans. Nuts can include peanuts, cashews and almonds.

Many vegetarians incorporate beans and nuts into dishes to keep the variety in their everyday meals.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids - this is one of the most important parts of a healthy vegetarian diet. Many vegetarians will eat fish to get this component as fish is not seen as a meat source. However, those who refrain from eating fish can get their Omega 3 fatty acids through flaxseed oil - usually one tablespoon daily. Others will take a fish oil capsule as a supplement. Omega 3s are great for brain development and can be found in meats that vegetarians avoid, hence the need for supplements.

Grains - grains can be found in a myriad of foods including rice, pasta and cereal. Those who are looking to limit carbohydrates can eat whole grain pasta and brown rice as a substitute and still maintain a healthy vegetarian diet. Choose grains that are low in fat and overall contribute to the diet rather than take away from it.

Dairy Products - unless you are a vegan, chances are you still eat dairy. Dairy contains calcium, a necessary component in a healthy vegetarian diet. You can find all of your dairy needs in cottage cheese, yogurt, milk and cheese. Low fat dairy products are just as good as full-fat so you do not have to feel like you are cheating yourself.

Can I Lose Weight on a Healthy Vegetarian Diet?

Chances are if you adopt a healthy vegetarian diet, you will naturally lose some weight or body fat - this is usually good news. A better diet helps to cleanse the body of toxins and fills it up with the materials we need to sustain ourselves. You cannot rely on an improved diet alone; you must exercise, as with any weight loss plan. However, by eating healthy foods - ones that will contribute to your body and organ health - you are less likely to be overweight or experience any significant weight gains. Moderation, of course, is a key component as well.

It may be difficult at first transitioning yourself to a vegetarian way of life. However, once you realize the health benefits and the fact that vegetarianism doesn't limit you to only fruits and vegetables, you will not feel deprived. Many people begin a healthy vegetarian diet each year and never look back.

If you want to start or continue a healthy vegetarian diet [], there's no better place than the web's best vegetarian guide over at [] - here you'll find new & exciting content that's regularly updated to keep you focused on a healthier lifestyle.
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