Increase Fat Loss By Eating Before Bedtime

Have you heard that one of the biggest mistakes you can make, if you are trying to lose weight, is to eat later in the evening or before going to sleep?
If you have, there is logic to this opinion - you would be eating when your metabolic rate is at its slowest, and then it will even become slower while you are sleeping. And as a result of this, it is believed that the combination of your slow metabolism and lack of activity will cause the calories to
be stored as excess weight and fat.

Well, if you eat the wrong food that is exactly what is going to happen. However, there are foods that you can eat that won't cause this weight gain problem. In fact, they will actually provide additional help with your muscle recovery from training, along with helping you to maintain lean muscle.

In other words, eating the wrong foods before bedtime causes weight gain - but eating the right foods can help you burn and lose more fat.

What Foods Can Be Beneficial To Eat Before Bedtime?

What are the right foods to eat in the evening, and of course, what foods should be avoided? Let's start with the foods not to eat - avoid carbohydrates; the problems come from their relationship to your insulin levels.

Insulin is a storage hormone. When you eat carbohydrates there can be a significant increase in insulin, and this can lead to the carbs being stored as fat. And as discussed, with night-time and during sleep being the time when your metabolism is at its lowest, the fat storage problem is magnified.

On the other hand, proteins that are slow digesting don't cause this rise in insulin levels. And also remember the thermic effect that slowly digesting protein has, and how it causes and increase in your metabolism far above what digesting carbohydrates will.

So, this is where the support for muscle recovery and growth comes from, because as the proteins slowly digest throughout the night, they will continuously be providing the body with amino acids.

Do note that you don't want to drink whey protein powder only at night, because this will be digested and absorbed very quickly, resulting in increased insulin - it has been said that whey protein causes more insulin to be released than white bread does.

Evening And Before Bedtime Proteins To Eat

Animal Protein That Is White Meat: The best animal protein sources are turkey and chicken - they are proteins that are slow to digest and release insulin very slowly.

Additionally, these hormones also release another important hormone called glucagon. This is a hormone that helps carbohydrates and fat to be burned by the body as energy compared to insulin and storage as fat.

Do note that red meats do not have these characteristics, and will release a lot more insulin, so avoid these.

Cottage Cheese And Greek Yogurt: These are great proteins. They digest very slowly, especially because they include casein protein in them.

If you have any lactase intolerance problems, there is a lactase-free cottage cheese. And Greek yogurt, since it is fermented, does not cause the same issues that other dairy can.

But whichever of these you may eat - just be sure they are plain varieties that don't have the added fruits and sugars. These types have a lot of additional carbohydrates, and added sugar is something to avoid at any time.

Time-Release Protein Powder Blends: When I mentioned above not to drink whey protein only, I was not suggesting not to use any protein powders.

There is a terrific all-natural protein that is a blend of 4 different proteins, including micellar casein.

It is slow digesting, and besides being low in carbohydrates, it is also a good source of fiber and digestive enzymes.

So, bedtime eating without weight gain is possible and can be beneficial.

My favorite evening meals include my favorite protein powder blend in recipes like Chocolate Peanut Butter Pudding and Cashew Vanilla Protein Cake.

These high protein meals are like eating dessert. They have around 300 calories with 35 grams of protein and are low in carbohydrates. And they also include high quality dietary fat from natural nut butters, which further decrease the digestion time of the proteins.
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