Women's Six Most Common Weight Loss Mistakes

I encounter people who do all kinds of crazy things all in the name of getting lean and losing body fat. Unfortunately I hear about far too many women making some pretty common mistakes. If you are making any of these nutrition mistakes please know that there is a better way. If you need nutrition advice, you should seriously consider training with me virtually. Through virtual training I can offer you a custom meal plan to suit your needs and the nutrition advice that you NEED to help
you get that lean, bikini body that you so badly want.

Here are the top six most common mistakes women make when trying to lose body fat and get lean:
1. Eating processed foods. Anything that comes in a package is suspect. If you are eating something that comes in a box, can or plastic wrapper you MUST read the label. If you cannot pronounce it, it is probably bad for you. The food industry sneaks so much sugar, fat and salt into these foods to keep you addicted and coming back for more. Your best bet is to stick to WHOLE foods that don't need labels like eggs, potatoes, or milk!

Even these foods that are marketed as healthy aren't what they're cracked up to be. Just because it has as much protein as an egg doesn't make it an acceptable food. Why not just eat an egg? Then you know exactly what you are getting.

2. Not eating enough fat. Last summer I drastically increased my fat intake. At each meal I included a half an avocado, an ounce of nuts, a tablespoon of coconut oil, etc. This change helped me go from a total sweets addict to not really having any cravings at all. Fats not only keep you satiated longer because they're slow digesting properties, but they also help balance your hormones which is why your cravings are kept at bay.

See, if you continue to fight cravings day in and day out, you are eventually going to falter. Why not make them go away completely?

3. Consuming secret sugars. The food industry will sneak sugar into nearly anything - they just name it something else. Here's a list of food substances also known as sugar: corn sweetener, corn syrup, corn syrup solids, dehydrated cane juice, dextrin, dextrose, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, glucose, high fructose corn syrup, honey, lactose, maltodextrin, malt syrup, molasses, raw sugar, rice syrup, saccharose, sucrose, syrup, treacle, turbinado sugar and xylose. Not to mention fake sugars known as sorbitol, saccharin, aspartame and sucralose.

These keep you addicted and they're in nearly everything with a label. Kick these to the curb and watch your cravings diminish.

4. Never eating carbs. Carbohydrates are good for you!! I'm not saying you should sit down to a pasta dinner every night, but you should still eat a diet rich in sweet potatoes, quinoa, brown rice, oats, fruits and veggies. You can't expect to eliminate an entire macronutrient and feel your best.
I've never met a person that got fat from eating too many apples, have you?

5. Never enjoying a cheat meal. This is one of the most common mistakes I learn about women making. So many women are afraid to eat a cheat meal because they think it will set them back. In reality cheat meals are good for your metabolism. It keeps your body guessing and a re-feed is good for your body! A random influx of calories can also be great on a tough training day to help you recover and make lean muscle gains.

Not to mention that fact that if you never have a cheat you'll feel deprived. And when you feel deprived you become cranky, frustrated and eventually you'll want to give up. My clients have at least one cheat meal a week, along with a couple of treats mid-week to keep them satisfied physically, mentally and emotionally.

6. Eating too few calories. Pay attention here. Close attention. I have met so many women who are afraid to eat more than 1200 calories a day in fear of gaining weight. You need to know your BMR.

I'll use mine as an example. If I didn't lift a finger and laid in bed all day, I would burn over 1400 calories a day. If you include my day to day activities (not workout), I'm over 1800 calories a day. I need to eat that many calories just to ensure I can stay healthy. Then I burn even more calories working out. If you do not eat enough calories your body will shut down. Your immune system will fail. You will not lose weight - you will store fat as this is your body's way of protecting itself.

Like I said, you need to know your BMR. Please make sure you do not go into more of a deficit than 500 calories a day. If you need help setting up a meal plan that is right for you, then you should consider working with me one on one with virtual training.

If you are making any of these mistakes, please contact me or consider virtual training. You will have much more success in losing weight if you avoid these common mistakes.

Are you trying to lose body fat and get lean?
What tips and tricks can you share that have helped you have the most success?
Leave me a comment below!
The Get In Shape Girl
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Kyra_N_Williams

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