How To Get The Most Out Of Juicing

Juice is a powerful nutritional force. And juicing lets you take the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants from nature´s healthiest foods and condense them into a potent, yet flavorful liquid. A liquid chock full of the health-promoting nutrients your body needs for optimum health.
Of course, developing any new habit takes time. And getting started with juicing in no different. In the beginning, the best thing you can do is take each day, one at a time. Concentrate on making the
healthiest choices you can and, as time passes, you´ll start to get a feel for the juicing ingredients that have your body performing at its best.

Remember, too, that citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits store a tremendous amount of nutrients in their pulp as well as in the white part of the rind. In fact, the pith, as its called, is a great source of pectin and has nearly as much vitamin C as the flesh. (Tip: If you want to be sure you´re getting the full extent of health-promoting nutrients in your homemade juice, simply remove the peel as you would if you were going to eat the orange and process the whole fruit.)

Since apple and carrots are the staples of juice making, you´re going to have a fair amount of pulp. Don´t throw it away!

The pulp is super nutritious and can be used in many ways. Make an apple-carrot sauce, mix with cream cheese for a tasty spread, toss it into a fruit salad or use it to moisten muffins. Keep it refrigerated and, when you´re ready to use it, add 2/3 apple to 1/3 carrot pulp.

Cucumbers blend well with carrot and celery juices and are great when it comes to cutting the strong flavor of other more potent-tasting vegetables. Cucumber juice also aids in weight loss, helps improve skin problems, cleanses the kidneys and helps lower blood pressure.

Set aside a special area in your kitchen for your juicer and your juicing "equipment" so you´ll have everything ready when it´s time to juice. And make a point of having a selection of fresh fruits and vegetables on hand. Keep them on a designated shelf in your fridge so you see them every time you open the door.

The more visible your juicing ingredients and tools are, the more likely you´ll be to use them!

And when you do, make sure to clean your juicer thoroughly afterward. Get in the habit of cleaning it immediately after making your juice. Make your job easier by using a toothbrush to get at any hard-to-clean parts, like the metal grate. This will help prevent mold and bacteria growth.

And if you juice on a daily basis, you´ll need to be sure your juicing blades stay sharp. You can sharpen them yourself or get them sharpened. Either way, you´ll need to be sure this gets done or your juicer simply won´t work as well as it could.

Juicing can have so many positive effects on your and your family´s lives. Our busy schedules don´t always make it easy to get the vitamins and minerals our bodies need. Juicing is a great, natural health supplement and an easy "snack on the go"! Follow the steps outlined above and you´ll be well on your way to getting the most out of your juicing experience.

Lara Morgan is a health & juicing enthusiast who is also the founder of the site Juicing 4 Health at Visit her there for more tips & resources on the joys of juicing for optimum health.
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