Weight Loss Breakfast

Too many people believe that just because they are on a diet they have to starve themselves. Generally, this means skipping breakfast all together and waiting to eat until later in the day. If you are guilty of this and want to change the way you eat, you can! There is actually a wide variety of weight loss breakfast options that are available. The following are just a few great breakfast ideas!

1. At-Home Breakfast Options:
a) Breakfast Burrito: Breakfast burritos are great because they will keep you full, they are easy to make and they actually taste really good! Here's a recipe you can use: 1 low carb whole wheat wrap,

1/4 cup shredded low-fat cheese, 5 egg whites, chopped mixed peppers and chopped onions. This should come to around 300 calories or less, but this depends on the type of wrap you use and other ingredients;

b) Pancakes with Protein: Protein pancakes will fill you up, give you energy and they taste really good, which is an added bonus. Simply mix half of a scoop of chocolate protein powder with 1/3 cup pancake mix. Mix this together with enough water to get it to pancake batter consistency. After this, slice 1/3 of a banana and top it onto your pancake to enjoy;

c) Toast and Peanut Butter: This is a simple breakfast, but it's one that will fill up your stomach with nutrients that it can use until you eat lunch. In order to make this healthy, start with whole grain bread that is all-natural. After it's toasted up, spread on 2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter and enjoy.

2. On-the-go Breakfast Options:
a) Protein Shake: Shakes are a great way to start the day because they are tasty, easy to carry around and they are packed full of protein. One of these shakes can keep you full for hours and regulate your blood pressure. A simple recipe for this weight loss breakfast option is: 1 cup frozen mixed vegetables, 1 scoop protein powder, 1 handful fresh baby spinach and unsweetened almond milk.

Blend and put in a to-go cup to enjoy while on your way to work;

b) Egg Sandwich: Making these in advance is easy and all you have to do is place them in the freezer. Start with a low-calorie English muffin, toasted. While this is cooking, fry one egg mixed with an egg white. Sprinkle with a small amount of cheese and then put the eggs into the muffin. Allow this to cool, the wrap in plastic and put into your freezer. Heat up for a few seconds in the morning and you'll be out the door;

c) Protein Bar: If you don't have time to cook beforehand, then grab a protein bar when you're on your way out the door. Just make sure you read the nutritional information on the bar before you eat it. There are a lot of different kinds out there and some are deceivingly packed with sugar. You want something that is low in carbs and sugar, while being high in protein and vitamins.

There's no excuse not to eat breakfast. Especially when it's so perfectly easy to eat anywhere you are! These weight loss breakfast options are all low in calories and they are super simple to make. You may even find that once you start eating a healthy breakfast, you are able to lose more weight than ever!
Learn more details here on effective weight loss tips.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Cindy_Dinatale

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