Stop The Madness! No More Long Boring Cardio If You Want to Lose the Pounds!

Imagine you are mowing the lawn and all of a sudden your dog comes out of nowhere and pushes you over. In that moment of silliness, you decide to drop everything you are doing and run around with your dog for 20 minutes because you secretly want to be a dog. You sweat, get tired and stop to take a breather because it's not long before that cute mutt is after you again. After a few rounds of this joyful playtime with your pet you are completely exhausted. Wouldn't that be a much more fantastic,
fun-filled, rewarding workout than an hour long road run or racking up 5k on the treadmill? Absolutely it would! But why??

Children are the best at training because they work all their muscles without realizing. They do it better than 90% of adults out there. What do they do for cardio? Short burst of running between playground equipment, outrunning others to avoid getting tagged and being "it", chasing older siblings with a water pistols and running short distances after soccer balls. No boring laps around a football field, no sweating for hours on the elliptical trainer. For them, exercise is an outlet for entertainment. Their time spent catching breath is interrupted by joy and laughter.

These situations describe the best type of cardio. They are all multi-directional sprint type activities and they are much better for than the traditional three hour long endurance jogging that the American Heart Association is so keen on. Now there is nothing wrong with what is called static state cardio but interval training or any type of multi-sprint activity is much better and effective than traditional cardio(such as cycling, jogging). Now I am not suggesting you abandon them altogether because traditional cardio has some amazing benefits. However when it comes to fat loss and building muscle, high intensity interval training is king.

Too much endurance running can cause the buildup of free radicals in your body. A study published by the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness in June 2012 concluded that the benefits of performing HIIT far outweighed those produced by partaking in static state cardio and that long distance static cardio could actually damage the heart.

It is very clear that HIIT and intense weight training workouts that target large muscle groups result in an increased Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) for up to 2 days following the workout, whereas steady state cardio only elevates your RMR for a few hours following your workout. If you are working out 3-4 days a week you are essentially increasing your RMR 24/7. Provided you keep your diet clean then you are going to get leaner much quicker. Some people who are trying to lose weight forgo weight training and muscle building to focus on steady state cardio.

However, if they focused on building lean mass then they would increase their metabolism. More muscle tissue means more energy is expended per gram of lean body mass.

Our bodies are designed or evolved to perform physical activity in bursts of exertion or stop-and go movements instead of a steady state movement. Most competitive sports incorporate this and you never see these athletes looking pale and sickly looking compared to endurance athletes. Look at 30 year old professional Olympic sprinters and compare them to the same age Olympic endurance athletes. Chances are that the sprinters will almost always have fresher, fuller more youthful faces compared to the endurance athletes. I am not saying endurance is bad but evidence clearly indicates that it is not as effective as interval or multi-sprint activities.

My real advice is to find a sport that you love. Because when you are truly in love with the sport than you will truly feel amazing and have fun while losing weight and gaining muscle without thinking about it.

Begin with a simple sprint set.

Pick a lane where there is a long straight lane at least the length 30-50m.
Sprint to the end of the lane. Rest for 2 minutes. Walk back and repeat.
Do this 5 times for 3 times a week.
You will burn fat in no time.
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